What is Tritheism? - Third Millennium Ministries
Tritheism is an anti-Trinitarian heresy. Tritheism is the belief in three gods, as opposed to the Trinitarian doctrine of three Persons in One Godhead. Tritheism understands that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are three separate gods. It accepts the threeness of God, but ignores the unity of God.
What is Subordinationism? - reformedanswers.org
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What is Modalism? - Third Millennium Ministries
Modalism, or Sabellianism, involves errors regarding the Trinity. The orthodox doctrine of the Trinity affirms that God is one in essence and three in Person.
What is Nestorianism? - reformedanswers.org
Nestorianism is based on the belief put forth by Nestorius (c. AD 386-451), the Archbishop of Constantinople, that resulted in his followers espousing that Christ exists as two persons sharing one body.
What is Kenosis? - reformedanswers.org
The name "Kenosis" is derived from the Greek word kenoo which means "to empty." The word kenoo. is used in Philippians^^nbsp^^2:5-8:
What is Ebionism? - Third Millennium Ministries
Ebionism is a false view regarding the nature of Jesus Christ. This second century heresy denied Jesus' divinity and the virgin birth.
What is Apollinarianism? - Reformed Answers
Apollinarianism was a fourth-century heresy. It denied the full humanity and sinlessness of Jesus Christ. Apollinaris of Laodicea originated this false doctrine (ca. 361) which was rejected by various early church councils, including the First Council of Constantinople i
What is Arianism? - reformedanswers.org
Is the Son of God really God or just like God? Is Jesus Christ truly God in the flesh? Is the Son of God merely a created being?
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