Vegapunk/Atlas - One Piece Wiki
In Vegapunk, Atlas is an extremely large, young-looking character with a mechanical aspect. She has distinctive floppy ears and wears brown gloves, pink DOM shoes, and a large jetpack. Her …
Vegapunk - One Piece Wiki | Fandom
Knowing that he could not let the very idea of Kuma attacking Bonney become a reality, Vegapunk quickly ordered Atlas to inform Bonney of her special status in the command …
Vegapunk/Atlas | One Piece Wiki | Fandom
Atlas adalah gadis yang sangat besar, tampak setinggi Kaidou menurut Luffy, dengan penampilan muda. Dia memiliki telinga terkulai ke bawah dan rambut keriting pendek, dengan sisi kiri …
One Piece: Decoding The Designs Of Vegapunk And His Satellites - Game Rant
2023年11月28日 · Encapsulating the "violence" within Vegapunk, Atlas is designated as number "05" among the satellites and is an extremely large figure.
One Piece: Dr. Vegapunk's 7 bodies, explained - Sportskeeda
2023年12月3日 · Atlas, a Vegapunk creation in the One Piece world, wields immense physical strength fueled by her wrathful emotions. As one of Vegapunk's early creations, she embodies …
Atlas (One Piece): Height, Powers, Abilities, Status, History
2024年3月5日 · Atlas, also known as Punk-05, is one of Dr. Vegapunk's six satellites, representing the aspect tied to "violence." Atlas possesses an imposing stature and maintains …
One Piece may have teased Imu's race with Vegapunk Atlas
2024年5月3日 · Vegapunk Atlas, also known as Punk-05, is one of the satellites of Dr. Vegapunk, the most genius scientist on the Grand Line. Atlas was the second satellite introduced to the …
#vegapunk Vega Punk - Atlas - DC_artのイラスト - pixiv
2022年11月9日 · 三ノ輪銀さんおたおめ! この作品 「Vega Punk - Atlas」 は 「vegapunk」「onepiece」 等のタグがつけられた「DC_art」さんのイラストです。
Explore the Best Vegapunk_atlas Art - DeviantArt
Want to discover art related to vegapunk_atlas? Check out amazing vegapunk_atlas artwork on DeviantArt. Get inspired by our community of talented artists.
Dr. Vegapunk and His 6 Bodies in One Piece (Explained)
2024年12月10日 · Although Atlas was a hothead, she was also a loquacious girl whose expertise mainly relied on engineering. Due to her enormous size, she eventually has a massive …
Vegapunk Atlas - pixiv
Sign up to be able to Like, comment and send messages to Vegapunk Atlas. Conjo Conjo no Mi: The Devil Fruit (very special) Carrot uses to create conjoined twins. Carrot permanently …
Intip Profil Atlas One Piece, Satelit Vegapunk yang Penuh Kekerasan
2024年9月2日 · Sebagai salah satu satelit Vegapunk, Atlas telah berkontribusi dalam berbagai pengembangan teknologi Vegapunk. Ia mampu memenuhi kebutuhan dasar manusia akan …
Vegapunk/Atlas - One Piece Wiki | Fandom
Atlas (暴(アトラス), Atorasu?) era el satélite Punk-05 (PUNK-05(パンク ファイブ), Panku-Faibu?) de Vegapunk. Poseía la «violencia» del científico. Atlas aparentaba ser un robot de …
Atlas (One Piece) - NamuWiki
In episode 1062 , Vegapunk is the first Vegapunk that Luffy meets, and he appears boasting of his ability to control the island's temperature. When Luffy gets hit by a punch he thought was a …
Atlas (One Piece) - Shueisha - League of Comic Geeks
Vegapunk Atlas is a satellite designed by Dr. Vagapunk and she is given the title, Punk-05.
One Piece: What Is Vegapunk Atlas’ Number? - CBR
2022年10月14日 · Dr. Vegapunk Atlas is the latest model of the World Government's top scientist to be introduced. She's one of the doctor's five Satellites and supposedly embodies wrath. …
Vegapunk Analysis : r/OnePiece - Reddit
2022年11月6日 · Atlas and York represent the physical needs of Vegapunk. York eats, poops, and sleeps for the collective Vegapunk whole, and they all benefit from this, somehow feeling …
Vegapunk | Heroes Wiki - Fandom
Dr. Vegapunk better known as Stella, is a major character in the manga/anime franchise One Piece. He is a scientist that works for the Marines and is responsible for providing them some …
¿La inclusión de Vegapunk Atlas en One Piece podría haber …
2024年5月3日 · Vegapunk Atlas, también conocido como Punk-05, es un ser colosal cuya apariencia imponente se ve contrarrestada por su comportamiento violento ante el ataque. A …
Vegapunk/Atlas | One Piece Wiki | Fandom
Atlas, também designada como Punk-05 (PUNK-05 (パンク ファイブ) Panku-Faibu?), é um dos seis satélites do Dr. Vegapunk. Ela incorpora o aspecto de "violência" do cientista. Atlas é …