"Washroom", "restroom", "bathroom", "lavatory", "toilet" or "toilet …
The most common term round here is "washroom" — "bathroom" is sometimes used, but only really in a house where the room actually would have a bath. One might also say either "men's …
British term for 'washroom'? [duplicate] - English Language
What is the British equivalent of the American 'washroom'? (Besides 'loo', of course, as it is informal.) I've found two definitions, with both saying that they are of American English as …
Origin of going "number 1" or "number 2" in the bathroom
2016年4月13日 · I was wondering about the origin of using the terms "number one" and "number two" for going to the bathroom (for those unaware, number one is urinating, number two is …
etymology - Why is a bathroom sometimes called a "john"?
2011年9月7日 · The straight dope has an answer to this question printed in 1985. The origins of referring to the outhouse as "john" or "jake" evidently goes back to the 16th-century.
Is there a formal way to say we want to go to the toilet?
@J.R. There's an awful lot in the question for English language enthusiasts. The way "U/non-U" distinctions meant that upper class people preferred "toilet" (if referring to it at all was …
"Toilet", "lavatory" or "loo" for polite society
2011年8月8日 · "Washroom" may be the most widespread euphemism that does not have the possibly misleading connotations that "bathroom" and "restroom" have. In the US, I have only …
american english - Is it really rude to use the terms "the john" and ...
2014年2月21日 · I'm sorry, I don't know the protocol in the UK. In the US it proper and polite to say the "restroom," "ladies'/gentlemen's room," "bathroom," or "washroom." In the U.S. both of …
Is it "men's" or "mens'"? And what's the rule? [duplicate]
2020年7月26日 · Now, let's look at a word that doesn't become plural by adding an "-s." "One man" changes to "two men." If we wanted to say that a car belonged to one man, we would …
If Americans go to the toilet in the bathroom, where do they take …
2014年12月5日 · The irony is that both toilet and lavatory are already euphemisms, they both actually mean washroom! So the Americans now use a euphemism to hide the "vulgar" use of …
expressions - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2020年7月27日 · Here's a context to anchor the differences between the two questions. In the game of baseball, occasionally the coach of the defensive team walks out to the pitcher's …