2012年11月30日 · Hi Guys, I am trying to set up a PDM in our company on a server. The server is a NAS drive RAID unit with a really good back up system. </p><p></p><p>My question is, does the server the PDM data is stored on also have to run some services to manage the data?
Solidworks PDM - Failed to extract - Class not registered
SOLIDWORKS PDM 2023 (SP 5.0) SOLIDWORKS Professional 2023 (SP 5.0) So far, I have tryed all the suggestions I have found online but none of them solved my problem. How can I get rid of it? What is this affecting? thanks in advance
Dear SolidWorks/PDM Users, Our company recently migrated CAD Systems. We were using 2006 Co Create, but we are now live with SolidWorks 2016, SP5.0 and PDM 2017 SP3.0. We had a consulting company help us take our legacy data and migrate into the vault. Since the day we launched, PDM performance has been extremely slow.
We are attempting to expand use of our EPDM system to different departments. We are currently running Enterprise PDM 2011. One of the projects is an excel sheet used to track a purchasing proccess. I have the excel sheet created, and stored in our templates folder. the template is set up in PDM and works wonderfully on MY machine.
I've been doing testing on our PDM standard development vault for a while and we are just about ready to go live but now I have another issue. We want to move our templates to the PDM vault but want to manage them in a separate workflow. Can I just set up a vault specific for templates and users can be logged into both? Thanks,
I have been setting up a sandbox vault to make sure everything is exactly what we want before we start using PDM. I'm at the point I want to start setting up our final vault but I am unable to open it up in explorer. I can open my sandbox vault, and view the files no problem, but when I click on the new vault, Windows Explorer crashes.
SolidWorks PDM rebuild issue OZ By Oscar Zarate 01/12/24 Hello, I was hoping someone could help me understand this issue I've seen several times at work and hopefully find a solution.
I know PDM PRO is a good option but due to past software that didn't turn out to deliver the advertised benefits we are having tough sledding getting management to fund basic training for standard. Thank you for your advice. Jim
Hi - we would like to have Solidworks PDM automatically check in files after a user closes them in Solidworks or closes Solidworks. How can we do this? Other PDM-like software I've worked with in the past works this way. And please don't tell me this is a problem with my users rather than the software! People are people.
PDM Database size estimation EK By Ethan Kay 06/27/18 I am working for a company which has made the transition over the last 20 years from paper drawings to AutoCAD, to Mechanical Desktop, to Inventor, and now to SolidWorks.