  1. Copilot 答案

    This is a list of prominent rabbis, Rabbinic Judaism's spiritual and religious leaders.
    See also: List of Jews. 展开

    Mishnaic period (ca. 70–200 CE)

    Hillel (?- c.10 CE) an early sage, known for his lenient rulings during hlalkhic disputes with Shammai and his students
    Shammai (c. 50 BCE–c. 30 CE) was influential in early rabbinic literature and is known for taking the string… 展开

    Talmudic period (ca. 200–500 CE)

    Samuel of Nehardea, Amora in Babylonia, physician (c.165–254)
    Abba Arikha, Amora in Babylonia (175–247)
    Johanan bar Nappaha, primary author of the Jerusalem Talmud (180–279)… 展开

    Middle Ages (ca. 500–1500 CE)

    Abba Mari, (Minhat Kenaot), 13th-century French Talmudist
    Abraham ibn Daud, (c. 1110–c.1180), author of Sefer ha-Qabbalah
    Abraham ben David of Posquières, (c. 1125–1198) 12th century, France… 展开