Carolina Chicken Coops | Custom Backyard Chicken Coops
Carolina Coops offers the country's best selection of superior-grade chicken coops and accessories for sale. All chicken coops are handcrafted with premium materials and are prefabricated or custom designed and built to your own specifications.
Chicken Coops - Carolina Coops
Each year we build more chicken coops, design more elaborate coops, and grow our shop and employee base. Our coops are proudly manufactured in the USA!! We thrive on employing local families and supporting domestic manufacturing of the materials we use.
California Coop - Carolina Coops
California Coop: A tiny home for chickens. This walk-in chicken coop has a 4' x 9' footprint and is perfect for small flocks and small backyards. Same great quality, just smaller!
Chicken Coop Options - Carolina Coops
Do you like to let them free range a bit after work and on weekends just when you’re home? Or do you need a larger henhouse for your flock that free ranges most of the time or you only have room for a small coop and a small flock. We offer chicken coops in all sizes, big and small and in between. See our gallery of coops of all sizes here.
Carolina Coop | Custom Chicken Coop by Carolina Coops
Shop the Carolina Coop, our most popular chicken coop for sale. See the various sizes and options available for the Carolina Coop
Buy Chicken Coops | Carolina Coops
We have a variety of handcrafted chicken coops, duck coops, and coop accessories to make your backyard flock happy and healthy and set you up for success. Click on each photo for more details and to shop all the things.
Craftsman Coop - Carolina Coops
Our Craftsman Coop has a henhouse/storage shed combination with an attached run. The henhouse is still elevated, but underneath is a place to store your feed, hemp, or other chicken essentials. It's highly customizable!
Custom Chicken Coops - Carolina Coops
Custom chicken coop with 8’x8’ henhouse/shed combo and 8'x20' perpendular run, with reclaimed barn wood, clapboard siding, and hand split cedar shingle roof in Alabama. Custom chicken coop in Cedar Mountain, NC
Our Story | Carolina Coops
At Carolina Coops we offer only the highest quality chicken coops. Since our coops are all custom built, Carolina Coops are designed to compliment your backyard surroundings and they’re built to last.
Duck Coops - Carolina Coops
We make our standard American Duck Coop and Carolina Duck Coop and we also build duck houses to fit on the runs with our chicken coops. You can add a separate duck dipper (so your ducks can get their heads wet) or it can be a part of the duck house.