Borghesia - Wikipedia
Borghesia (Italian: bourgeoisie) is a Slovenian electronic music/rock music group, created in Ljubljana (at the time in Yugoslavia) in 1982. The band was formed by members of the …
Borghesia Discography: Vinyl, CDs, & More | Discogs
Explore Borghesia's biography, discography, and artist credits. Shop rare vinyl records, top albums, and more on Discogs.
Borghesia - Dark Entries Records
Borghesia is an electronic music group from Ljubljana, Slovenia, created in 1982 by Aldo Ivancic and Dario Seraval who were members of the alternative theater troupe FV-112/15. Along with …
Borghesia - On (1985) - YouTube
2007年11月4日 · Borghesia - On https://www.facebook.com/ExYuSynth
Borghesia - Wikipedija, prosta enciklopedija
Borghesia je slovenska oziroma hrvaška glasbena skupina elektronske in rock glasbe, ustanovljena v Ljubljani leta 1982 iz bivših članov alternativne gledališke skupine Theatre FV …
Borghesia Lyrics, Songs, and Albums - Genius
Borghesia is a Slovenian/Croatian electronic music group created in Ljubljana in 1982. The band was formed by members of the alternative theatre group Theatre FV-112/15.
Borghesia music, videos, stats, and photos - Last.fm
2023年5月12日 · Borghesia is a Slovenian band that had its heyday in the eighties. Its members were/are Aldo I., Lado J., Borut K., Niklas S., Dario S. and Tom T. The band/group was formed …
BORGHESIA- 意大利语-英语词典中的释义——剑桥词典
borghesia- 用意大利语-英语词典翻译成英语——剑桥词典
Borghesia - Wikiwand
Borghesia is a Slovenian electronic music/rock music group, created in Ljubljana in 1982. The band was formed by members of the alternative theatre group Theatre FV-112/15 and Teater …
Borghesia - Wikipedia
La borghesia è la classe sociale che si afferma con la rivoluzione industriale. La sua origine è tuttavia molto antecedente e risale al medioevo, indicando una libera professione: …