Here comes THE CLAW! Or: other ways you hold your controllers.
For those unfamiliar, The Claw consists of holding an Xbox or 360 controller with your right hand set up thusly: Right thumb on the right analog stick, right index finger manning the face buttons (bumper optional), and right middle finger keeping the trigger a twitch away (bumper optional).
How do YOU hold the PS3 controller? - Giant Bomb
2013年10月30日 · This was brought to my attention after reading Kotaku's article about how the Dualshock 3 controller sucked. Apparently there are people who hold the Something went wrong.
when you hold your controller - General Discussion - Giant Bomb
do you only use your index fingers or both index and middle fingers for the triggers and bumpers? I use index fingers most of the time
Does anyone else hold their controller this way? - Giant Bomb
..Or am I just crazy.I hold a controller fairly regularly, except for one thing. Instead of having my ...
The best way to hold a controller. (LOL) - Giant Bomb
I was on the phone a few minutes ago and got bored of the conversation I was having with this girl...Anywho, In my boredome I picked up the Metal Gear
Do you use the back paddles on your Xbox Elite controller?
2020年2月26日 · @sgtsphynx: Yeah i've done the same with the bumpers/back paddles but for different reasons.(I assume) I have this weird issue with the standard Xbox One controller where one of the bumpers just stops working, with my 'day one' controller it was the left bumper, then I bought one of the more modern controllers and had the same problem with the right.
A generation that doesn't know how to hold a controller...
Several times a day I end up having to explain to kids that no, you don't aim the remote at the screen, you hold it sideways, you know, like an NES controller. This often results in bewildered stares and kids awkwardly shifting their hands around the thing, sometimes holding it in completely nonsensical positions as they struggle to comprehend ...
Does my controller not hold a charge or am I not something?
If I unplug it the controller will immediately turn off and won't turn on again until I put the cable in again. I also can't turn on my console via the controller and need to press the power button on the PS4 itself. I have looked in the settings and it says it recognises the controller via Bluetooth, but I'm not sure what else to do.
Most comfortable current-gen gaming controller? - Giant Bomb
2018年6月4日 · The DualShock 4 and Pro Controller are probably the most comfortable, but just by a hair, and I prefer the Xbox Controller's analogue sticks and triggers. The Pro Controller's sticks are also really good, but the lack of analogue triggers limits its …
I think the Dualsense might be ergonomically incompatible
2021年3月1日 · The B button on the controller that came with my Series S sticks so much that I ended up going back to my Xbox One controller for a while. If the criticism of the DualSense is that it seems over-engineered and too complicated, the Xbox Series controller has the opposite problem: it seems like they tried to cut corners to make it cheaper and we ...