Cercus - Wikipedia
Crickets have particularly long cerci while other insects have cerci that are too small to be noticeable. However, it is not always obvious that small cerci are without function; they are rich …
The Cricket Cercal System Implements Delay-Line Processing
Using an air-current stimulus device capable of generating sequences of air jets along a single cercus, we demonstrate that the cerci operate as delay lines and support neural computations …
The cricket cercal system. (A) Acheta domestica. The cerci are …
The cerci are the two antenna-like structures, covered with fine hairs, extending from the rear of the abdomen. This is a female: the ovipositor can be distinguished between the two cerci.
The cerci and abdominal giant fibres of the house cricket,
The abdominal cerci of crickets are clothed with approximately 3400 hair and campaniform sensilla. Their axons form functional connexions in the terminal abdominal ganglion with a …
A Model of Filiform Hair Distribution on the Cricket Cercus
2012年10月4日 · Crickets and other orthopteran insects sense air currents with a pair of abdominal appendages resembling antennae, called cerci. Each cercus in the common house …
The cercus-to-giant interneuron system of crickets
The anatomical and physiological characteristics of filiform hairs, receptor elements on the cerci of the cricketAcheta domesticus, were investigated, with special attention to possible …
Quantitative Characterization of the Filiform Mechanosensory
2011年11月21日 · Crickets and other orthopteran insects sense air currents with a pair of abdominal appendages resembling antennae, called cerci. Each cercus in the common house …
Cercus - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
In insects, the cercal system consists of a bilateral pair of tapered spike-shaped structures (cerci) extending posteriorly from the last abdominal segment. Each cercus has several hundred …
Hair canopy of cricket sensory system tuned to predator signals
2006年8月7日 · Filiform hairs located on the cerci of crickets are among the most sensitive sensors in the animal world and enable crickets to sense the faintest air movements generated …
Cercal System - SpringerLink
2022年1月1日 · The receptor organ for this modality is a pair of antenna-like appendages called cerci at the rear of the abdomen, covered with mechanosensory hairs like the bristles on a …