Ancient Greece: The Water Clock (Clepsydra) Of Ktesibios
What was the Ancient Greek water clock Clepsydra? The water clock was developed to solve the problem of the first timekeeping device known as the sundial. The problem with the sundial …
Ctesibius - Wikipedia
[6] [7] He improved the water clock or clepsydra ('water thief'), which for more than 1,800 years was the most accurate clock ever constructed, until the Dutch physicist Christiaan Huygens' …
Ctesibius Builds the First Truly Automatic Self-Regulatory Device
Greek inventor and mathematician Ctesibius (Ktesibios,Tesibius; Κτησίβιος), probably the first head of the Museum at Alexandria, invented the first artificial automatic self-regulatory system …
Ctesibius of Alexandria – Biography, History and Inventions
2024年12月19日 · The water clock of Ctesibius. In addition to inventing the water organ (hydraulis) and suction pump, Ctesibius also perfected the first accurate water clock (see the …
Ctesibius Of Alexandria | Inventor, Pneumatics, Hydraulics
His most famous invention, however, was an improvement of the clepsydra, or water clock, in which water dripping at a constant rate raised a float that held a pointer to mark the passage of …
Water clock - Wikipedia
Water clocks were used in ancient Greece and in ancient Rome, as described by technical writers such as Ctesibius (died 222 BC) and Vitruvius (died after 15 BC). A water clock uses the flow …
The hydraulic clock of Κtesibios (3rd c. B.C.) – An automation miracle
With the rising of water there in the float rose and, through a rod, a statuette with a pointer rose at the same pace. The pointer indicated the hour of 24h on a rotating drum containing a trace of …
Ctesibius of Alexandria – 280 BC – Computer Timeline
The water clock of Ctesibius. In addition to inventing the water organ (hydraulis) and suction pump, Ctesibius also perfected the first accurate water clock (see the nearby image), which …
CLEPSYDRA from Rees's Clocks, Watches and Chronometers, 1819
Ancient Clepsydrae.--According to M. Vitruvius Pollio, the first improver of the ancient clepsydra, or water-clock, was Ctesibius of Alexandria, the son of a barber, who, about 245 years before …
Clocks and Ctesibius - Hellenica World
Ctesibius invented probably one of the first controlled systems in history. Possibly the earliest ancestor of today's industrial-robot devices is the clepsydra (κλεψύδρα, "water thieve") or …