What are all the actions that the Emirate of Granada could've …
2024年7月7日 · Could this ALT emirate of Grenada focus on sailing and naval exploration? If the Andalusians focus on seafaring, then they could discover Macronesia, forge new routes with West Africa, and maybe even discover the Americas.
Emirate of Granada - alternatehistory.com
2010年9月17日 · As for the Emirate of Granada, despite some interesting defensive possibilities in the Sierra Nevada, survival for very long after 1492 is as unlikely as the pomegranate growing in the Antarctic wastes. Even going back centuries for a POD and having the Moors conquer all of Iberia isn't much help.
A Mozarabic/Romance Granada? | alternatehistory.com
2024年3月27日 · I find the Emirate of Granada to be a fairly interesting state. It was the final remaining rump of the once-so-might al-Andalus, but that didn't make it a backwater by any means. Granada was economically prosperous and culturally vibrant, and Muslims, Christians, and Jews seemingly lived together largely peacefully.
emirate of granada | alternatehistory.com
2024年2月21日 · I find the Emirate of Granada to be a fairly interesting state. It was the final remaining rump of the once-so-might al-Andalus, but that didn't make it a backwater by any means. Granada was economically prosperous and culturally vibrant, and Muslims, Christians, and Jews seemingly lived...
AHC:Ottoman Granada | alternatehistory.com
2012年3月4日 · What it says on the tin. Your challenge is to create a scenario where the emirate of Granada is under the control of the ottoman empire. It Doesn't have to be under full control, it could be a vassal or a protectorate. PoD no earlier than 1470 and no later than 1492.
What are all the actions that the Emirate of Granada could've …
2024年7月7日 · Despite its precarious position, the Emirate of Granada enjoyed considerable cultural and economic prosperity for over two centuries and the Nasrids became one of the longest-lived Muslim dynasties in Iberia. The famed Alhambra palace complex was built during its existence and the population of...
Latest PoD to achieve Islamic New World | alternatehistory.com
2010年3月27日 · The title is self-explanatory, so let's get started quickly. :D I personally still believe that Emirate Granada can possibly survive if Mehmet II had managed to successfully conquer Italy, thus will be in the position to aid the Granadans should the later asked for …
Al-Andalus Ethnography | alternatehistory.com
2017年3月12日 · Nearby is the tomb of the celebrated Nasri Emir of Gharnata [Granada] - Abu Hasán Ali [Muley Hacén or Aviacen] for whom the mountain is named. The tomb is an important place that functions like a pilgrimage site not only for the population of the Albuxárat region but also for the whole area of the former Emirate, visitors come from as far as ...
Challenge: a longer lasting Granada | alternatehistory.com
2008年10月24日 · How can we get the Emirate of Granada to survive at least into the nineteenth century, with a POD after 1200. Bonus points if the Reconquista is reversed by 1492 (to at least some degree). Go!
WI: The Nasrid Dynasty survived to the present-day?
2024年2月21日 · The Narsid Dynasty of the Emirate of Granada is probably the most well known for being the last Muslim dynasty on the Iberian Peninsula during the Reconquista. After surviving for centuries, they finally were conquered in 1492 by Castille and Aragon under the Catholic Monarchs, Isabella I and Ferdinand II.