Alpha Group - Wikipedia
Spetsgruppa "A", also known as Alpha Group, officially Directorate "A" of FSB Special Purpose Center (Russian: Спецназ ФСБ "Альфа"), is a sub-unit of Russian special forces within the Russian Special Forces Center of the Federal Security Service (FSB). It was created by the Soviet KGB in 1974.
俄罗斯特种部队速览 GRU、阿尔法、信号旗、KSSO谁是王牌中的 …
2022年3月10日 · Spetsgruppa Vympel信号旗成立于1981年,合并了冷战时期克格勃的两个精锐特种部队卡斯卡德(Kaskad)和天顶(Zenit),指定用于反恐和反破坏行动,保护战略设施。 例如工厂和运输中心。 Spetsgruppa Smerch,是成立于1999年7月,一个相对较新的单位。 包括圣彼得堡的Grad(冰雹)或摩尔曼斯克的Kasatka(逆戟鲸)。 具体分工上,阿尔法负责保护交通和建筑物,信号旗负责保护战略地点,Spetsgruppa Kavkaz负责反情报。 二、隶属于联邦对外情报 …
A Brief History Of SMERSH – KommandoStore
The first iterations of SMERSH were tested and extensively changed by the FSB after use in numerous combat & training exercises. They drew a lot of the influence from the existing American M1967 Belt kit, (the predecessor to the ever-popular "ALICE" webbing) from its suspenders to a wider hip belt and the iconic buttpack.
Arktis SMERSH-AK – KommandoStore
Our SMERSH-AK belt kit is a one-size-fits-most rig with the exact same specifications as the original. i.e., If the original SSO SMERSH fits you, you'll fit in ours. It features an adjustable waist that accommodates for 28.5-46.5" (72-118 cm) or the small end of XS to the large end of 2XL.
SPETSNAZ units after the end of the Soviet empyre.
2015年6月21日 · Spetsgruppa "C" also known as Smerch, is a relatively new unit formed in July 1999. Operations include both direct action against bandit holdouts in Southern Russia as well as high-profile arrests in more densely populated cities and guarding government officials.
Smersh Tactical Chest Rig | Equipment Wiki | Fandom
The Smerch Tactical Chest Rig is a load-bearing chest rig of Russian origin. The set of field equipment SMERCH was developed for the needs of infantry and reconnaissance units, designed to carry ammunition for the AK,[1] SVD,[2] PKM,[3] RPK,[4] or VSS as well as hand grenades, rocket cartridges...
2012年3月26日 · 最近哈上 毛子的阿尔法,无奈毛子fsb下属单位的东西流出的实在不多 最近收了套简易配置的SMERSH,惊奇的发现毛子把MOLLE结构也用到该装具上 虽然比不上US的好看,但也属小
俄罗斯 "Smerch" 战术背心_作战装具_战甲军品资料网
2013年9月20日 · “Smerch”战术背心被设计并装备俄罗斯FSB特种部队以及内务部(MVD)部队。 “Smerch”背心由6个不同模式组成。 Smerch AKGP 战术背心模式:-8个AK弹夹-4枚RGD手榴弹-IDP(个人急救包)-Daypack Smerch AK GP VOG 战术背心模式:-8个AK弹夹-10枚VOG25(40mm 榴弹)-IDP(个人急救包)
FSB Special Purpose Center – World Acudo Association
2015年11月5日 · Directorate “A” of the FSB Special Purpose Center (TsSN FSB) Spetsgruppa “A”, Alpha Group , or simply Alfa – an elite, stand-alone sub-unit of Russia’s special forces. This is the direction of the police and army the recent years. Street Acudo practitioners might find this video specially interesting.
Spetsnaz - AcademiaLab
FSB Spetsnaz. The FSB (former KGB) has 3 special forces groups: Alfa (А), Výmpel (V), also called "Vega", and Smerch (S). Alpha Team specializes in counterterrorism and is one of the most respected special units in the world.