And yet he was still in Galvatron's revenge : r/Transformemes
2024年6月30日 · Basically, there was a fan-video called "Galvatron's Revenge". Then the VA they hired for Optimus turned out to be one of the most racist & homphobic people in the entire …
How did Galvatron turned back to Megatron in TLK? : …
Processed Transformium will always revert back to its original state, and Galvatron would be able to scan an alt mode again. So he would scan a fighter jet in a military base, trash the place, …
Respect Galvatron (Transformers Marvel G1) : r/respectthreads
2015年5月30日 · Galvatron immediately goes rogue, killing Unicron's other servants and organising the battle against his former master. Feats - Galvatron## Galvatron's abilities …
Reformatting Galvatron and Accessories Pack (by PrimeVsPrime)
2021年10月16日 · It looks sweet. It'll definitely be a must-have for anyone who owns a Unicron, and even if you don't, Galvatron looks pretty slick in these colors (Although I can't deny that I …
Galvatron... : r/transformers - Reddit
2018年7月25日 · 390 votes, 77 comments. 166K subscribers in the transformers community. This is a family-friendly community for all things Transformers -- mostly the…
Which Galvatron design do you prefer? : r/transformers - Reddit
2023年10月8日 · Cybertron Galvatron I thought was really cool, even though the colors were more Megatron colors. It was a more coherent color scheme than the Cybertron Megatron …
r/transformers on Reddit: Should we consider Galvatron and …
Unicron Trilogy Galvatron and Megatron are undeniably the same but the various G1 Galvatrons and Megatrons are pretty much different characters that are the same in-universe person. As …
what’s your opinion on Transformers Prime’s “”Galvatron””
He isn't Galvatron because he didn't call himself Galvatron.. That's literally all there is to it. but if you wana go further than that. he also didn't go batshit insane. which is a pretty big …
Optimus Prime vs Galvatron in Transformers: The Movie, who
2021年5月2日 · Galvatron wasn't incompetent in season 3, he was just insane. Matter of fact after Webworld Galvatron regained some of his sanity, to the point that during The Return of …
r/transformers on Reddit: Megatron v Galvatron OK so chances are …
Galvatron has issues, not gonna deny, but despite G1 writing him as a terrible ableistic insult to those with mental health problems he showed FAR MORE character and potential than …