Staged Reconstruction Heart Surgery - Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Called the hemi-Fontan or Glenn operation, the second procedure usually occurs within six months of birth. During this surgery the superior vena cava — a large vein that carries deoxygenated blood from the upper body into the heart — is disconnected from the heart and attached to the pulmonary artery.
The Glenn Procedure (for Parents) | Nemours KidsHealth
The Glenn procedure is done for children who are born with heart problems like hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS), tricuspid atresia, and double outlet right ventricle. Depending on the heart problem, children may need the Norwood procedure before the Glenn surgery.
Glenn Procedure: Surgery and Outcomes - Cleveland Clinic
The Glenn surgery allows the blood to bypass a problematic area in your heart to get the oxygen-poor blood right to your lungs. This surgery often comes after one or more surgeries babies can have soon after birth. Babies may then have another surgery a few years later for a more permanent solution. What does the Glenn procedure do?
Bidirectional Glenn - Online supplement
In many cases, the Glenn represents a stabilizing palliative operation in which the circulation is no longer a parallel one (since the Sano or BTS is taken down as part of it, and pulmonary blood flow becomes passive).
Glenn procedure - Wikipedia
Glenn procedure is a palliative surgical procedure performed for patients with Tricuspid atresia. It is also part of the surgical treatment path for hypoplastic left heart syndrome and hypoplastic right heart syndrome .
Superior Cavopulmonary Anastomosis: The Hemi-Fontan and Bidirectional Glenn
The superior cavopulmonary anastomosis is the first of two operations used in a staged Fontan approach for definitive palliation of functionally single ventricle hearts. It was introduced into the palliative strategy to reduce the volume load on the hypertrophied single ventricle that pumps in parallel to the pulmonary and systemic circulations.
ˇe current paradigm of SV palliation includes generally stages: an initial palli-ation at the newborn period that varies depending on the degree of pulmonary and systemic blood ow, a second-stage palliation consisting of a superior cavopulmonary shunt (bidirectional Glenn) at ˛- months of age, and a third-stage palliation with a
The Glenn procedure: Clinical outcomes in patients with …
The Glenn shunt, a palliative procedure is established between superior vena cava (SVC) and the right pulmonary artery to provide an anastomosis offering minimal risk to patients with univentricular heart disease.
Glenn procedure | Glenn surgery & outcomes - Children's Wisconsin
The Glenn procedure is the second of three congenital open heart surgeries performed to correct hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) and other single ventricle heart defects. It is usually performed about six months after birth, following the Norwood procedure. What …
The assisted bidirectional Glenn: A novel surgical approach for …
However, initial palliation with a superior cavopulmonary connection, such as a bidirectional Glenn (BDG), is discouraged, owing to potential for inadequate pulmonary blood flow (PBF). We tested the feasibility of a novel surgical approach, adopting the engineering concept of an ejector pump, whereby the flow in the BDG is ‘‘assisted ...