Do you think SSJ4 Gogeta is Dragon Ball FighterZ's final ... - ResetEra
2021年3月8日 · The Dramatic Finish and the fact that they end the trailer on him and Gogeta Blue fighting with the GT opening sure made it feel like this was the final character. Hopefully we do get a FighterZ 2 with a more diverse cast. And rollback.
Dragonball FighterZ - Gogeta Super Saiyan 4 Showcase
2021年3月6日 · One of the most hyped DLC characters, for sure. Some key points: - His 2L (crouching light) is not a low; - 6S (front special) is a level up mechanic kinda like Adult Gohan's Level 1 super. It builds up meter and slightly increases damage; - 22S (Down, Down special) is a DP (Dragon Punch) which...
Dragon Ball Fighterz: Gogeta Vs Broly dramatic finish
2019年12月3日 · At that point in the movie the Dragon was summoned and he didn't immediately rush off to stop her from making a wish. AnansiThePersona Started a revolution but the mic was unplugged
Do you think SSJ4 Gogeta is Dragon Ball FighterZ's final ... - ResetEra
2021年3月8日 · They seem to be really pushing her lately. They put her in DBZ: Kakarot, Legends (Gacha game), and Dokkan I believe. Hopefully they make her Canon one day. On topic, I think this is the end for FighterZ. The character screen is full, and Gogeta is insanely good to leave off on. As much as I...
Dragon Ball FighterZ - Super Baby 2 (Jan 15th) and SSJ4 Gogeta …
2020年12月20日 · Just announced on the Japanese playoffs stream. Super Baby 2 is coming on January 15th and SSJ4 Gogeta is confirmed to be the last character in this third pass. Official YT trailer:
DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ – Gogeta (SS4) Launch Trailer - ResetEra
2021年3月9日 · Quick Jump Gaming Forum Gaming Hangouts EtcetEra Forum EtcetEra Hangouts Trending Threads Gaming Hangouts EtcetEra
Dragon Ball FighterZ - Super Baby 2 (Jan 15th) and SSJ4 Gogeta …
2020年12月20日 · Better than more Super stuff.
Do you think Dragon Ball FighterZ will add cross-play ... - ResetEra
2023年2月7日 · Title: Dragon Ball FighterZ 2 Gameplay There are many changes and additions made to the fighting mechanics including: Reduced tracking on Superdash; Autocombos aren't fully executable on whiff and don't autocorrect; Evasive vanishes that teleport you backwards; Quick tag outs (assist buffer is longer) Team-specific moves (consumes both ki and ...
The new DBFZ balance patch looks like a joke | ResetEra
2023年5月23日 · Yeah and unfortunately it seems this is not gonna change. The usual suspects got nerfed but only for their meter gain basically. Vegito was untouched besides that, Lab Coat's nerf to her beyblade is litteraly a troll from Arc Sys, and Gogeta Blue only got a nerf from his 2H, but he can still jump cancel it on block to avoid being punished.
If Dragonball FighterZ 2 was announced, what/who do you want?
2021年3月19日 · Non-Dragon Ball characters. FighterZ basically exhausted the interesting DB fighters and only the small fry are left. Unless they hold off a few arcs and do a new game focused solely on characters introduced in Super arcs (Current manga arc and beyond)