Ly-on: Feeding, Education and Access Station - Jenx
Children gain huge psychological benefits from standing, as well as important physical and developmental advantages. Which is why standing plays a crucial role in therapy programmes for children with many kinds of developmental needs. Jenx offers a wide range of standers for children from 9months to adult, in upright, prone or supine.
Ly-on – Jenx
Jenx offers a wide range of standers for children from 9months to adult, in upright, prone or supine. Sleeping. Sleeping. We spend approximately a third of our lives sleeping, therefore a good position for sleep is important for comfort and helps to provide longer periods of rest. The Dreama 24hr positioning system can be used as a preventative ...
Ly-on - Jenx
For many children, sitting positions can be difficult to maintain. Jenx seating systems are designed to support children with all kinds of postural needs from complex to mild. Plus they all come with a wide range of accessories and adjustments so each seat can be specifically tailored to the individual as required.
Jenx Ly-on - tadpoleadaptive.com
The Jenx Ly-on is all about meeting the challenge of properly positioning children with complex special needs and/or medical needs, on various height levels and tilt angles. The Ly-on offers the perfect platform, with accessories and adjustments, to tool-lessly and smoothly attain the correct postures for completing a host of daily tasks and ...
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Jenx Ly-on - Medifab
Jenx Ly-on Modern, child-centred styling, combined with a range of accessories make Ly-on the ideal platform to build a structured yet safe and comfortable posture for children with complex postural or medical needs. Feeding, Education and Access Station for users up to 70kg Activity Frame and Tablet Holder easily clip into
Ly-on: Feeding, Education and Access Station - Adaptative Imports
Developed with the aid of feedback from therapists and care staff Jenx delighted to bring you Ly-on a real solution to the challenge of positioning children who have complex postural or medical needs. Ly-on offers the ideal platform to build a structured yet safe and comfortable posture quickly and easily with no tools required.
Jenx Ly-On Feeding, Access And Education Station
Ly-on by jenx is a real solution to the challenge of positioning children who have complex postural or medical needs. Ly-on is a versatile height adjustable platform - coming low enough to enable children to engage in floor based activities and raising high enough for even the tallest of caregiver to have a comfortable and safe working height ...
Ly-on - by Jenx - Jiraffe
Discover the Ly-on by Jenx, a versatile therapy product designed for enhanced comfort and support. Contact our Customer Support team for more information.
by Jenx Technical Specifications Units Ly-on LYO1-03 User Height User Weight kg max 70 Support Platform 15º - 15º Side Wall Height Tilt-in-Space Angle Footprint Support Platform Height from Floor (3 sizes available) Weight of Product max height x width height length x width max min - max recline - forward mm mm mm mm kg 200 / 250 / 300 1680 x ...
Order Forms - Jenx - 2025 - Adaptative Imports
Order Forms – Jenx – 2025. Jenx Atom. Jenx Bee. Jenx Junior Order Form. Jenx Corner Seat. Jenx Dreama. Jenx Monkey. Jenx LyOn. Jenx Multistander Multi-Position. Jenx Multistander Prone Only. Jenx Multistander Supine Only. Jenx Standz 1 Multi-Position. Jenx Standz 1 Prone Only. Jenx Standz 1 Supine Only. Jenx Standz 2 Multi-Position.