Friends of Julian of Norwich
2024年12月17日 · Julian experienced visions from God 650 years ago in Norwich and, by writing them down, became the first woman writer in the English language. “God, of your goodness, give me yourself; you are enough for me, and anything less that I …
Becoming a Friend of Julian - Friends of Julian of Norwich
If you love God, love Julian, or love humankind - revealed by Julian as being God's greatest treasure and delight - we invite you to join in our work. Friends offer an annual donation to support the work of the Friends: this website, hospitality around the Julian Shrine in Norwich, our learning programme, and events on spirituality and prayer.
Lent Book Group online, beginning 7th March 2025 – Friends of …
2025年2月5日 · This Lent you are warmly invited to join the Friends of Julian online as we read and reflect together from Emma Pennington’s latest book All Shall Be Well: Visions of Salvation with Julian of Norwich.
Reflections – Tagged "Companions of Julian"– Friends of Julian of …
2023年4月1日 · Reflections from two Companions of Julian; Bruce who is the originator of this Candlemas Conference, and Fred who is one of the trustees of the Friends of Julian January 17, 2023
A contemplative 'biography' of Julian – Friends of Julian of Norwich
2022年8月4日 · Julian herself found a writing voice that allowed her to convey contemplative insights that were strikingly personal, even intimate. Frykholm lets Julian speak in that inimitable, compelling voice, but with addition of a well-researched backdrop that helps an already moving life speak even more powerfully.
The Companions of Julian – Friends of Julian of Norwich
Companions are people who want to commit themselves, in a troubled world, to a spiritually deeper way of life inspired by Julian’s insights into the nature of God and other people. A group of Companions renewing their commitment at the Julian Shrine
The Julian Lecture 2014 - Friends of Julian of Norwich
The Anti-Theology of Julian of Norwich delivered by the Right Revd. Rowan Williams, former Archbishop of Canterbury The lecture can be found by CLICKING HERE.
Review of 'I, Julian' - Friends of Julian of Norwich
2023年4月1日 · From the child Julian we meet at the beginning of the novel, we hear the beginnings of her relationship with a God who is loving rather than wrathful and vengeful, and the first expressions of her theology.
Learning: Learning about Julian - Friends of Julian of Norwich
Learning about Julian Just as Julian of Norwich composed her Revelations of Divine Love in order to share her experience of God, to console and encourage others in their faith and spiritual growth, so through the Julian Centre we offer a variety of programmes to support, encourage, and inspire others in their spiritual
A Novena to Julian – Friends of Julian of Norwich
2021年7月6日 · In the Novena that you can find here, on each of these nine days, you are invited to read a selected passage from Julian of Norwich’s Reflections of Divine Love and reflect on it, then to pray the prayer which is written after that passage.