Kepler space telescope - Wikipedia
The Kepler space telescope is a defunct space telescope launched by NASA in 2009 [5] to discover Earth-sized planets orbiting other stars. [6] [7] Named after astronomer Johannes Kepler, [8] the spacecraft was launched into an Earth-trailing heliocentric orbit. The principal investigator was William J. Borucki.
Kepler / K2 - NASA Science
2025年2月11日 · The Kepler space telescope was NASA’s first planet-hunting mission, assigned to search a portion of the Milky Way galaxy for Earth-sized planets orbiting stars outside our solar system. During nine years in deep space Kepler, and its second act, the extended mission dubbed K2, showed our galaxy contains billions of hidden "exoplanets," many ...
Kepler / K2 In Depth - Science@NASA
2024年10月25日 · NASA's Kepler, the 10th in a series of low-cost, low-development-time and highly focused Discovery-class science missions, was designed to discover Earth-like planets orbiting other stars in our region of the Milky Way. The spacecraft was named after the famed German astronomer Johannes Kepler (1571-1630).
克卜勒太空望遠鏡 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
克卜勒任務(英語: Kepler Mission )是美國國家航空暨太空總署設計來發現環繞著其他恆星之類地行星的太空望遠鏡 [4] 。 使用 NASA 發展的太空 光度計 ,歷經九年多的時間,在繞行太陽的軌道上,觀測10萬顆恆星的光度,檢測是否有 行星凌星 的現象(以 凌日 的 ...
Kepler's legacy: discoveries and more - Science@NASA
2018年10月30日 · After nine years in deep space collecting data that revealed our night sky to be filled with billions of hidden planets – more planets even than stars – NASA’s Kepler space telescope was retired. Kepler leaves a legacy of more than 2,600 planet discoveries from outside our solar system, many of which could be promising places for life.
2009年3月6日 · The Kepler spacecraft was launched into an earth trailing orbit and stared at a 100 sq. degree patch of sky near Cygnus in order to measure the brightness variations of about 200,000 stars. Its primary mission was to find exoplanets transiting these stars and to determine the prevalence of exoplanets in the Galaxy.
Kepler Mission Data Resources in the Exoplanet Archive
Kepler was a special-purpose spacecraft that precisely measured the light variations from thousands of distant stars, looking for planetary transits. When a planet passes in front of its parent star, as seen from our solar system, it blocks a small fraction of the light from that star; this is known as a transit.
Kepler - Universe Missions - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
2009年3月6日 · Kepler was a space telescope designed to survey a portion of the Milky Way galaxy in search of exoplanets, which are planets outside our solar system. Using data from the Kepler mission and the extended K2 mission, scientists have identified more than 2,800 candidate exoplanets and have confirmed more than 2,600 of these as bona fide planets.
Kepler | Missions | Astrobiology
Kepler data is used to search for Earth-sized planets around distant stars. The Kepler Mission was a space observatory designed to survey a specific portion of our region of the Milky Way galaxy. An important part of Kepler’s work was the identification of …
Kepler | Discoveries & Facts | Britannica
2009年3月6日 · Kepler, U.S. satellite that detected extrasolar planets. During its missions it discovered 2,662 extrasolar planets, about two-thirds of all planets then known. Kepler discovered between 2 and 12 planets that are roughly Earth-size within their stars’ habitable zones.