M25 sniper weapon system - Wikipedia
The M25 sniper weapon system is a joint venture precision rifle built for the U.S. Army Special Forces and the U.S. Navy SEALs.
U.S. M25 & XM25 SNIPER WEAPON SYSTEM - Sniper Central
2020年4月3日 · The M25/XM25 is a joint venture sniper rifle, was built for both the US Army Special Forces and the US Navy SEALs in the late 1980’s. It was originally developed by the 10th Special Forces Group (SFG) based at Ft. Devens in response to a requirement for a match grade M14 for Special Forces sniper teams.
Springfield Armory M25 "White Feather" Semi-Automatic Rifle
Patterned after the U.S. M14/M25 sniper rifle and commemorating legendary U.S.M.C. sniper Carlos "White Feather" Hathcock, with Hathcock-themed embellishment on the sides of the rear lugged M1A receiver with special "WF" serial number prefix. Fitted with a heavy weight Kreiger match barrel with 1-10" twist in .308 Winchester.
Gun Test: Springfield Armory M25 WhiteFeather .308
2009年4月29日 · The M25 is guaranteed to shoot 1/2-MOA (minute of angle) at 100 yards when it leaves the factory. That’s very accurate for any rifle but especially for a self-loading one. Although the M25 comes with a 10-round magazine, the rifle will also take 20-round M-14 magazines.
A rifle worthy of the name sake, Carlos Hathcock II, has to be more accurate & dependable than most. This special package, which bears Carlos’ “Long Trang” White Feather logo & signature is a custom Springfield M25, also bearing the unique WF serial number prefix.
The M25 Sniper Weapon System: Development, Manufacture, and …
Designed for U.S. Army Special Forces and select military units, the M25 emerged as a highly effective semi-automatic sniper rifle, offering enhanced reliability and rapid follow-up shot capability in combat scenarios.
Post M21 sniper rifle development history - XM25/M25...
2017年12月6日 · From 1986 to 1988 the U.S. Army 10th Special Forces at Ft. Devens, MA developed a ‘Product Improved’ sniper rifle that was designated as an XM25 (1988) or M25 (1991) for SF-specific M14 sniper rifles.
M25 SNIPER RIFLE - Any Soldier
The M25 will provide the sniper observer with a more effective support weapon than the M16/M203, capable of delivering very accurate fire out to 500 meters. In addition, the M25 will fill a mission specific role as an urban area sniper rifle, where ranges are limited and high rate of fire is the primary concern.
XM25 replica M14 sniper rifle (circa 1990ish, as made ... - Sniper…
2019年8月25日 · My replica of a U.S. Army XM25 sniper rifle project that began in the summer of 2017 is now basically complete. I just got it back from the builder, so I don’t have a range report yet, but here are some pictures and info for those interested in this type of retro-project.
Sniper Central
The M25/XM25 is a joint venture sniper rifle, built for both the US Army Special Forces and the US Navy SEALs. It was orginally developed by the 10th SFG base at Ft. Devens in response to a requirement for a match grade M14 for Special Forces sniper teams.