MATLAB function syntax - Stack Overflow
I'm trying to learn MATLAB now; I tried a simple step, factorial function. factorial.m: function result = factorial (m) if m == 1 result = m; else result = m .* factorial(m.-1); end and then call it like this: x = 2; f = factorial (x) but all I get is an error: Missing variable or function.
MATLAB - multiple return values from a function?
2010年11月15日 · I'm writing 2 functions in matlab, an initialize function and a function to insert items into an array treating it like a doubly-linked list. However, my initialize function only returns "ans =" and the initialized array.
syntax - passing a colon as argument of a function in matlab
2013年3月28日 · I would like to know if it's possible to use a colon ":" as argument of a function. Something like that: function y=func(x) if x is a colon do this else do that end Also is it possible to pass the key work end as argument of a function, and also 1:end, 3:end-5, etc... I doubt it's possible, but I would like to be sure.
MATLAB function syntax within script? - Stack Overflow
2013年1月16日 · You have to create an external m-file and implement your function inside it, like it says in the official documentation: Any function that is not anonymous must be defined within a file. (just to be clear, a script does not accept input arguments or return output arguments). However, you can have local functions declared inside a function m-file.
How to call a function in a for loop in MATLAB? - Stack Overflow
2012年2月1日 · Personnally I would create your function without a main() part. create a file called fcn.m with your function fcn in it, make sure it's in your working directory or in your matlab path and then call it inside your loop.
Writing a function in matlab syntax - Stack Overflow
2015年6月2日 · The question is, how to really write it in matlab syntax and how to link these three formulas to NSGA-II with the limitations (like min Aij <= percentage Aij <= max Aij ) Any kind of help would be appreciated.
How do I use a Python regex to match the function syntax of …
2010年2月5日 · function func_name(varargin) %# Any number of inputs possible function func_name(in1,~,in3) %# Second of three inputs is ignored Of course, many m-files contain more than 1 function, so you will have to decide how to deal with subfunctions , nested functions , and potentially even anonymous functions (which have a different declaration syntax).
Size function in matlab - Stack Overflow
2011年12月25日 · As you know, matlab deals mainly with matrices. So, the size function gives you the dimension of a matrix depending on how you use it. For example: 1. If you say size(A), it will give you a vector of size 2 of which the first entry is the number of rows in A and the second entry is the number of columns in A. 2.
How do I set default values for functions parameters in MATLAB?
2009年4月28日 · function f(arg1, arg2, arg3) if nargin < 3 arg3 = 'some default' end end There are a few fancier things you can do with isempty, etc., and you might want to look at MATLAB central for some packages that bundle these sorts of things. You might have a look at varargin, nargchk, etc. They're useful functions for this sort of thing.
matlab - predict function syntax isnt working to show the result ...
2023年5月12日 · But it's not the case for predict, one has to use the original MATLAB way of changing properties within the funtion input field. 2.-example [ypred,yci]=predict(mdl,Xnew,'Alpha',0.1,'Simultaneous',true) 3.-Read Mathworks help page for predict and use the examples provided. 4.-Available in MATLAB version R2013a