Microsoft Translator
Translate real-time conversations, menus and street signs while offline, websites, documents, and more using the Translator apps
Microsoft Translator
Microsoft Rewards ; Free downloads & security; Education; Gift cards; Licensing; Unlocked stories; View Sitemap; ... Download Microsoft Translator app on iOS or Android and start conversation. 2. Share. Share the conversation code with other participants, who can join using the Translator app or website. 3. Speak. Speak or type to communicate ...
Microsoft Translator for Personal Use - Microsoft Translator
Microsoft Translator multi-device conversation feature is a free translation and transcription service that lets you have translated conversations across multiple devices on iOS, Android, Windows, and web for 1:1 conversations or larger group interactions.
Try Microsoft Translator for free
Microsoft Translator is a free, personal translation app to translate text, voice, conversations, camera photos, and screenshots. Learn more
Microsoft Translator Languages - Microsoft Translator
Instantly translate text into any of the other supported languages and dialects Speech Have a split-screen conversation on a single phone, or speak into the microphone for a quick translation
App Features - Microsoft Translator
Translate text in photos while offline. Download offline language packs and use the camera feature to translate street signs and menus while traveling abroad.
Apps - Microsoft Translator
Microsoft Translator multi-device conversation feature is a free translation and transcription service that lets you have translated conversations across multiple devices on iOS, Android, Windows, and web for 1:1 conversations or larger group interactions.
Microsoft Translator
Übersetzen Sie Gespräche, Menüs und Straßenschilder in Echtzeit, während Sie offline sind, Websites, Dokumente und mehr mit den Translator-Anwendungen. Für geschäftliche Zwecke Globalisieren Sie Ihre Geschäfts- und Kundeninteraktionen, indem Sie Text und Sprache mithilfe der Übersetzer-API und des Speech-Diensts übersetzen, die beide ...
Azure AI Translator | Microsoft Azure
Translate text instantly or in batches across more than 100 languages, powered by the latest innovations in machine translation. Support a wide range of use cases, such as translation for call centers, multilingual conversational agents, or in-app communication.
Microsoft Translator
Traduci le conversazioni in tempo reale, i menu e i cartelli stradali mentre sei offline, siti Web, documenti e altro ancora utilizzando le app Translator Per uso commerciale Globalizza le interazioni tra azienda e clienti traducendo testo e riconoscimento vocale usando l'API Translator e il servizio Voce, entrambi nella famiglia di servizi di ...