Aaron Davis | Into the Spider-Verse Wiki | Fandom
Aaron Davis was the uncle of Miles Morales and brother of Jefferson Morales. Aaron operated as a masked criminal known as the Prowler who worked for the Kingpin and had gone up against Spider-Man on multiple ocassions.
plot explanation - What was with Miles Morales's stickers?
2019年6月3日 · Miles is also a kid, who doesn't have money and permission to buy real paint to paint real graffiti, that's why he uses these stickers. This is paid off later when uncle Aron takes Miles to a place to paint a full mural with real spray paint.
Into the Spider-Verse Fans Recreate Iconic Graffiti Scene in Live …
2021年1月4日 · The scene in question is when main protagonist Miles Morales and his uncle, Aaron Davis, break out the spray paint to create an elaborate and colorful graffiti mural shortly before Miles is bitten by the radioactive spider that grants him his superpowers.
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Scene-by-Scene Breakdown
2020年4月19日 · CUT TO Miles on Uncle Aaron’s shoulders. For a beat afterward, they paint TOGETHER. Aaron traces Miles’ silhouette on the wall. Miles steps back, admiring his work.
Script Analysis: “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse” —Scene-By …
2022年3月14日 · Aaron smiles, leans down to his BAG and unzips it, revealing KRYLON SPRAY PAINT CANS. He tosses a can to Miles. Presses PLAY on a stereo. Miles SMILES-Unbeknownst to them, a faintly glowing SPIDER descends on a web, towards the ground and towards the cans! CUT TO Miles on Uncle Aaron’s shoulders. For a beat afterward, they paint TOGETHER.
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (Script) - Genius
2018年12月14日 · Aaron smiles, leans down to his BAG and unzips it, revealing KRYLON SPRAY PAINT CANS. He tosses a can to Miles. Presses PLAY on a stereo. Miles SMILES and starts painting. Aaron turns over a...
Miles & Aaron | Shipping Wiki | Fandom
Miles begins to spray paint, and his uncle gives him tips for how to do things. Later, Aaron traces Miles' silhouette on top of the painting. Miles is embarrassed, but he smiles after Aaron says he sees exactly what Miles is trying to do with the painting.
Miles Morales Spray Paint · Omeka Tech Exploration
Miles Morales being traced in spray paint by his uncle while the pair work on Miles' artwork in an abandoned subway station. This is the scene in which Miles is bitten by the spider.
Prowler (Aaron Davis) - Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Reality ...
Aaron Davis, also known as the Prowler, is a major antagonist in the 2018 animated superhero film Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. He was Jefferson Davis's brother and Miles Morales' uncle who secretly operated as an eminent hitman and chief enforcer for the Kingpin until the events of the film.
Prowler (Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse)/Gallery
Images and videos of Prowler from the 2018 animated movie Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. Aaron Davis's first appearance. Young Aaron and Jefferson Davis on Aaron's phone. Aaron teaching Miles the "Shoulder Touch". "Hey." Aaron feeling estranged from his brother. Aaron getting a message. Spider-Man vs Prowler.