约 490,000 个结果
  1. MySql Community Server Minimum System Requirements

    2011年4月5日 · Oracle doesn't seem to publish any minimum hardware requirements because the minimum will depend largely on how each user uses the database. A nice tool I found for …

  2. MySQL :: Re: MySQL 5.7 Minimum Server Requirements

    2016年3月16日 · One core is usually adequate. -- MySQL won't use more than one core per connection, so having multiple cores is not needed until you have a lot of traffic. MySQL has …

  3. Re: MySQL Server minimum hardware requirement to install

    2015年3月11日 · For more specific advice about configuring MySQL and estimating its requirements, you'll need to tell us what you intend to use it for. In particular, MySQL's …

  4. MySQL :: System Requirements for my install

    I am wanting to get some advice on what amount of RAM I should have on my new server that will be running MySql 4.1 The application that it is running will be a webmail application with about …

  5. MySQL :: Minimum System Requirements

    2006年6月6日 · I have an old PII-266 system with potentially 384M of RAM. My thought is to install Linux and then MySQL on it and use the setup to learn SQL/PERL etc.. What are the …

  6. Re: MySQL Server minimum hardware requirement to install

    2015年3月11日 · What are the system requirements for Single MySQL? Navigate: Previous Message• Next Message. Options: ...

  7. How do you determine the hardware needed for a server?

    It depends on how many hits you will need it to serve. Run the program on an old standard PC if you can, run a profiler and see how much the system is taxed. the MySQL Gui Tools has a …

  8. MySQL :: MySQL Workbench: Minimum System Requirements

    2010年7月12日 · MySQL Workbench: Minimum System Requirements + Moving from Old GUI Tools. 4575. Stefan Eichenberger. July ...

  9. MySQL :: Re: system requirements Windows install

    2008年1月29日 · Windows System Requirements To run MySQL on Windows, you need the following: A 32-bit Windows operating system such as 9x, Me, NT, 2000, XP, or Windows …

  10. Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirements

    2017年3月29日 · before "policy" , in some mysql versions is "_" , so be aware of that. Save the file and restart mysql server: sudo service mysql restart. Connect and check the persistence of …