Planet Terror is a 2007 American action comedy horror film written and directed by Robert Rodriguez. Set in Texas, the film follows the survivors of a biochemical outbreak as they battle …
Planet Terror: Directed by Robert Rodriguez. With Rose McGowan, Freddy Rodríguez, Josh Brolin, Marley Shelton. After an experimental bio-weapon is released, turning thousands into …
Planet Terror is a 2007 American action horror science-fiction film written, cinematographied, scored, co-edited, produced and directed by Robert Rodriguez, about a group of people …
As a desperate chemical engineer releases the airborne "Project Terror" biochemical agent into the air, a small town somewhere in rural Texas becomes the epicentre of a virulent epidemic …
Planet Terror is a 2007 American action comedy horror film written and directed by Robert Rodriguez. Set in Texas, the film follows the survivors of a biochemical outbreak as they battle …