Cambridge Polymer Labs (quest) | Fallout Wiki | Fandom
Cambridge Polymer Labs is a side quest in Fallout 4. The objective is to find chemical samples in the abandoned Cambridge Polymer Labs and complete a 200 year old science experiment. Upon entering the Cambridge Polymer Labs, the Sole Survivor is greeted by a …
Cambridge Polymer Labs (Quest) - Fallout 4 Guide - IGN
2016年11月3日 · Use the Polymer Coating Applicator terminal to scan the loaded reagents, then run loaded fabrication routine. After that is complete, you'll obtain a new power armor chest, Piezonucleic Power ...
Cambridge Polymer Labs Solution and Location | Fallout 4 (FO4
2024年5月29日 · Cambridge Polymer Labs is a Side Quest located south of Cambridge Police Station in Fallout (FO4). Read on for a Cambridge Polymer Labs solution and walkthrough, and learn the Gold, Lithium Hydride, and U-238 isotope sample locations. From the C1 Room, head up towards the ramp into the vents then jump down on the hole at the end.
Cambridge Polymer Labs (Quest) | Fallout 4 Wiki
2015年11月25日 · Cambridge Polymer Labs (Quest) is a Quest in Fallout 4. This quest becomes available during The Railroad quest Underground Undercover. After taking the orientation tour given by the robot Molly and entering the clean room you are sealed in the lab. On the way to escaping the lab you can complete the research project that has been started.
Fallout 4: Cambridge Polymer Labs Walkthrough (Quests, …
2024年6月14日 · To meet the fabrication parameters, you need to collect two Reagent Chemicals and one Radioactive Isotope from within the facility. As you can see in the above video by YouTube creator Charlatan Wonder, the two reagent chemicals you can find in the Lab are Gold and Lithium Hydride.
Fallout 4: Cambridge Polymer Labs Walkthrough - DualShockers
2022年10月23日 · When placed on the left or right reagent dock, the computer can scan the canister to reveal the contents, but this can cause a problem for players not using mods or console commands. The reason...
Cambridge Polymer Labs (Quest) - Fallout 4 - Super Cheats
Examine the console and select to “Check Current Fabrication Parameters”. It will say that for Reagent 1: Lithium Hydride and Reagent 2: Gold. You have to find these reagents inside containers scattered within the building. Most of these are unidentified so you have to load them to this same console and Scan them using the console option.
Cambridge Polymer Labs Quest: Complete Walkthrough for Gamers
In this gaming guide, you’ll learn step-by-step strategies to successfully complete the Cambridge Polymer Labs quest in the Fallout 4 game. Embark on an adventure in a pre-war research facility. Solve puzzles to recreate an experimental polymer coating. Utilize the facility’s old technology to navigate hazards.
Cambridge Polymer Labs (quest) - The Vault Fallout Wiki
Cambridge Polymer Labs (quest) is a quest that can be obtained in the Commonwealth in Fallout 4. In order to explore the deepest parts of the Cambridge Polymer Labs facility, the Survivor has to accept a provisional position as Sales Associate at the laboratories.
Lithium hydride | Fallout Wiki - Fandom
Lithium hydride is a quest item in Fallout 4. Lithium hydride is a chemical sample found in Cambridge Polymer Labs, initially found as unidentified sample 3111. Once the sample has been loaded into one of the polymer coating applicator's sample holders, the option 'scan loaded reagents' needs to...