Plastics on the Sargasso Sea Surface | Science - AAAS
Plastic particles, in concentrations averaging 3500 pieces and 290 grams per square kilometer, are widespread in the western Sargasso Sea. Pieces are brittle, apparently due to the weathering of the plasticizers, and many are in a pellet shape about 0.25 to 0.5 centimeters in diameter.
Plastics & Biodiversity in the Sargasso Sea - Spring 2026
Recent studies show that microplastic pollution in the Sargasso Sea has reached levels comparable to the Pacific Garbage Patch, posing a serious threat to the region's biodiversity and to migratory marine life, including species like sperm and humpback whales.
Microplastic levels in Sargasso Sea comparable to Great
2019年8月21日 · In one sample, the team found 1,298 fragments of microplastic, which is higher than the levels found in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, now estimated to be twice the size of France. The Sargasso Sea is one of five global ocean gyres that accumulate land-based plastic pollution due to circulating currents.
Microplastics found in the Sargasso Sea | CNN
2019年8月19日 · Greenpeace scientists say they found “extreme” concentrations of microplastic pollution in the Sargasso Sea, although they are still reviewing their findings. In one sample, they discovered...
Plastics on the Sargasso Sea Surface | Semantic Scholar
Plastic particles, in concentrations averaging 3500 pieces and 290 grams per square kilometer, are widespread in the western Sargasso Sea and could be a source of some of the polychlorinated biphenyls recently observed in oceanic organisms.
Sargasso Sea Vibrio bacteria: Underexplored potential pathovars …
2023年8月15日 · During two oceanographic cruises in the Sargasso Sea in May of 2012 (C241) and 2013 (C247) a focus was placed on Vibrio bacteria cultivars due to their presence on plastic debris and their underexplored nature in the open ocean.
Notes from the Field - Plastic Ocean - NASA Earth Observatory
2012年9月18日 · Here in the Sargasso Sea, we have yet to see some giant patch of garbage (well, except for my desk in the upper lab!), but plastic does abound. I thought that I should testify as to my personal experience of observing so much plastic along our path.
Marine microbes digest plastic - Nature
2011年3月28日 · Electron microscopy reveals the inhabitants of a plastic bag fished from the Sargasso Sea. Credit: T. Mincer/G. Proskurowski. Specialist bacteria seem to be eating the plastic garbage we...
Microplastics in the Sargasso Sea - The Ecologist
2019年8月29日 · The Sargasso Sea, the only body of water without shores, is defined by the currents of the North Atlantic gyre, currents that also carry with them our plastic filth, making it one of the five ocean garbage patches.
Greenpeace reveals the plastic choking the ‘golden floating …
2024年5月7日 · Greenpeace UK retrieved hundreds of pieces of plastic from clusters of seaweed floating in the Sargasso Sea in the Atlantic Ocean. They spent the last five days on board the Arctic Sunrise crossing the sea to launch a campaign to create a global network of marine sanctuaries under the Global Ocean Treaty.