Mohs Surgery on Nose - Stitches or Left to Heal by Itself? - RealSelf
2010年8月11日 · When we allowa wound to heal by itself we refer to it as secondary intention healing. This tends to work best in concave areas including the temple and depressed …
What Happens to Mohs Surgery Scar when Healed by Itself?
2009年10月9日 · Healing via secondary intention on the nose relies on wound contraction which can lead to distortion of varies nasal subunits, and a mismatch in nasal topography. The other …
Secondary Intention Healing After MOHS - 39 years (Photo)
2018年5月27日 · Secondary intention is an option and may heal well, but with a slight depression and white scar tissue. A flap could be performed, but would need to be taken from the glabella …
Post Mohs Procedure, my Dermotologist Did NOT Do Skin Graft
2011年5月25日 · There are areas where healing by secondary intention can leave an acceptable cosmetic result. However, in most situations, the nose is not one of them. Nasal skin is very …
Wound Separation After Stitches Removed? (photo) - RealSelf
2012年11月11日 · a process known as secondary intention.These wounds form a layer of granulation tissue and eventually the skin grows over the top of this layer. As the wound heals, …
Wound Care After Mohs Surgery Repair? - RealSelf
2012年7月13日 · When you are left with a wound to fill in on it's own we call it a healing by secondary intention. The first thing to keep in mind is a dry wound is a dead wound and it will …
MOHS surgery: incision reopened, will it ever close? - RealSelf
2017年2月5日 · Answer: Healing by secondary intention is occasionally the best choice in patients with wounds after Mohs micro graphic surgery. Without photographs it's impossible to …
Had Mohs Procedure on my Nose 2yrs Ago. Let Heal in by …
2013年8月12日 · From the photo you submitted, it appears that the scar is slightly depressed and slightly red. My treatment suggestion would be a minor resurfacing laser procedure to the scar …
I had a tiny mole removed by a dermatologist. She put a huge
Thank you for your question and I sorry to hear that your wound opened up.The wound mildly looks infected so it split open (dehiscence) because of natural tensing of tissues and skin in …
Why aren't open wounds re-stitched 3 weeks post op? (Breast
2018年1月8日 · Delayed wound healing is a potential completion of breast reduction surgery. Open wounds are often allowed to heal by secondary intention with local wound care, and the …