Tall Tamarind Tree in San Diego, CA. - TROPICAL LOOKING …
2012年9月28日 · This Tamarind tree is the largest I've ever seen in California. It's approximately 30ft (10m) tall and has thousands of flowers. Has any one seen a larger Tamarind tree in California? All photos were taken on Sept. 27, 2012 in San Diego, CA. On this same property there's a large flowering Golden Shower tree (Cassia fistula).
Fake Tamarind tree - TROPICAL LOOKING PLANTS - PalmTalk
2010年1月8日 · Can anybody identify this tree? I live in Switzerland and work in a greenhouse, where we grow tropical plants. For a new plantation we wrongly considered this tree as a tamarind. After we found out that it's something else, we …
The " Interesting Trees found in Baja, and Sonora " Virtual Tour …
2024年12月25日 · Variegated Ficus.. La Paz area. One of numerous Tamarind specimens.. This one caught while asleep.. Interesting that they'll fruit here ..and in other areas of Sonora where observed yet my neighbor's 15+ year old specimen has yet to se
Black/White Sapote and Canistel in SoCal - PalmTalk
2024年4月6日 · I would recommend the sapadilla (chico sapote) fruit tree too. "Alano" is an ornamental tree, and it is relatively slower growing for sapadilla so it is a little more manageable. The fruit tastes a bit like a candied pear with brown sugar. The tree to the left is a Pakistan mulberry and I would recommend it for the flavorful fruit.
cold damage report for tropical and subtropical trees at Leu
2010年6月7日 · Stemmadenia litoralis- MILKY WAY TREE. Tamarindus indica- TAMARIND. Uncarina grandidieri. KILLED. Albizia saman (Samanea saman)- RAIN TREE. Bauhinia pottsii var. mollissima. Bunchosa argentea- PEANUTBUTTER FRUIT. Caesalpinia granadillo- BRIDAL VEIL TREE. Cananga odorata var. fruticosa- DWARF …
companion plants for palms - DISCUSSING PALM TREES …
2007年6月26日 · I don't have much shade but have planted some canopy trees to provide shade. They just aren't too big yet. I just put in a rain tree that is growing very rapidly. I have a wild tamarind that is pretty good size now and am mounting orchids and bromeliads on it. And a gumbo limbo that is finally getting some size.
Mango Trees - TROPICAL LOOKING PLANTS - Other Than Palms
2011年7月29日 · Yes, you're correct. Like DoomDave said there's many in Mexican and Asian neighborhoods. I've seen many papayas, beautiful, large bunches of bananas, Lychee, Tamarind, Longan, Wax Jambu (Syzygium samarangense) and even some Jack fruit trees close to my neighborhood here by San Diego State University.
2025年2月23日 · I have a question about a couple of Christmas palms (adonidia Merrillii) I have by my pool. They were here when I moved in. There’s a volunteer (pup/runner/seedling, I’m not sure) next to the main one. I don’t want to remove it but it’s growing a bit close to the main tree for my liking. Maybe 8 inches at most.
Your 5 rarest, or "coolest" fruit trees? - PalmTalk
2013年7月10日 · A Tamarind which also survived outside last winter in an unheated greenhouse. And my Longan seedling. The co worker I shared a mac seedling with has a larger longan that has produced/ is currently producing flowers up in Sunnyvale. Awhile back, I also had a Carrie mango seedling which stayed with a relative when id moved.
Southern CA Royal Poinciana first flower
2021年8月15日 · After growing in ground for over 10 years, my Delonix regia has finally put out a flower (with hopefully more to come before we cool off in November). I'm in south Orange County, CA about 10 miles from the Pacific( 33.66250; -117.59028) . The tree faces due south and has a large asphalt cud a sac...