TBLE-02s esc Problems - General discussions - Tamiyaclub.com
2020年3月19日 · The battery is a traxxas lipo 2 cell 5800 milli-amp hours, and the motor is the stock tamiya mabuchi rs-540 type torque tuned brushed motor. Also, the receiver is a Spektrum Sr310 and Dx2E Share this post
TB-LE 02-S esc Confused - Lipo or no lipo?????? - Tamiyaclub.com
2016年8月15日 · The recommendation to not use LiPo with the TBLE-02 is meant to protect the BATTERY, not the ESC. The TBLE-02's cutoff is too low to prevent LiPos from being drained below their "safe" threshold. Having said that, common sense works almost as good as a LiPo alarm. Just don't run the car until the battery is completely empty.
I am done using the tble-02s esc again - Tamiyaclub.com
2020年6月1日 · My favorite brushed Tamiya ESC is still the good old TEU-101BK. I have a BL setup with a TBLE-01 / TBLM-01 in a Boomerang which works well but I hate the tiny power switches that don't attach to the chassis properly. That's one thing the TBLE-02s has on other BL ESCs: a normal sized power switch.
Tamiya TBLE-02S ESC questions / discoveries (3s operation?)
2020年3月16日 · Far from dying in a puff of magic smoke, the ESC did just fine, and I only discovered the problem 30 min later (after a long run). Given what happened, I tried again, and the ESC worked just fine. As far as I can tell in two test runs, the TBLE-02s seems 'ok' with 3s LiHV voltage (13.05v at max). Has anyone else run 3s on the TBLE-02 ESC?
ESC TBLE-02s cutoff? - All things electric... - Tamiyaclub.com
2020年8月31日 · Tamiya Super Astute / TBLE-02s esc/ TFU01 cooling fan / TBLM-02s 10.5T brushless motor/ TBLE-01s sensor cable / Savox 1252 low profile steering servo / Spektrum SR315 receiver / Voltz 5300 nimh 7.2 volt power pack (fully charged) When i hold the car off the ground, everything seems to work just fine: full throttle forward - break - reverse.
Tamiya TBLE 02S - All things electric... - Tamiyaclub.com
2014年5月23日 · Hi all pretty much the same as my other thread. What is the lowest turn brushed motor anyone has run, without any serious issues, using the new Tamiya TBLE-02S ESC and nimh batteries. I know these questions may seem stupid to some members but I was wondering if the turn limits are overkill to protect the user. Thanks Steve.
TBLE-02 ESC Turn Limits - All things electric... - Tamiyaclub.com
2018年7月12日 · I've ran a Neewer 13.5T brushless with a Tamiya TBLE-02 in a Arrma Granite 2wd monster truck. The ESC did get very hot and would thermal occasionally, especially on dirt and grass. I've also tried running a Arrma Mega 15T brushed motor a TBLE-02 and it shut off every few minutes. IMO, I'd wouldn't go lower than a 23T brushed/17.5T brushless.
TBLE-02S w/ Tamiya Brushless Motor -- worth even considering?
2015年12月10日 · Being a relative n00b to brushless I have no intrinsic sense as to whether I'd see similar performance by picking up one of Tamiya's entry-level BL motors and using it with a TBLE-02S I have just sitting NIP in a bin. To be honest I've been pretty underwhelmed by Tamiya's ESC's other than the TEU-101BK and TEU-302BK.
Tamiya TBLE-04S detailed review - Tamiyaclub.com
2021年5月18日 · Tamiya ESC has no options to change direction, in fact if I am not wrong, any ESC that rely on/allow high point setting will not have that option. Mode have no bearing on this. It is just race (no reverse) mode or practice/bashing (with reverse) mode only. Default motor rotation is CCW for most chassis.
TBLE-02S ESC - All things electric... - Tamiyaclub.com
2016年12月29日 · After setting up 2 or 3 of these it becomes second nature. I'm not sure who is making these for Tamiya but they did a great job giving us a brushed/brushless 60amp esc for so little. I see these on new eBay for $20 usd all the time, and have used them in other things besides Tamiya.