Bloop - Wikipedia
Bloop was an ultra-low-frequency, high amplitude underwater sound detected by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in 1997. [1] .
What is the bloop? - NOAA's National Ocean Service
2024年6月16日 · The Bloop was the sound of an icequake—an iceberg cracking and breaking away from an Antarctic glacier! With global warming, more and more icequakes occur annually, breaking off glaciers, cracking and eventually melting into the ocean.
海洋怪聲 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
海洋怪聲(英語: the Bloop )是美國國家海洋及大氣管理局(NOAA)於1997年夏天在南太平洋偵測到的超低頻深海聲音訊號。 研究者认为這個聲音可能来源于生物,由于其為相距数千英里的几个水听器阵列所观测到,发出这一声音的生物应该十分庞大 [ 1 ] 。
The Bloop mystery has been solved: it was never a giant sea …
2012年11月29日 · In 1997, the Bloop was heard on hydrophones across the Pacific. It was a loud, ultra-low frequency sound that was heard at listening stations underwater over 5,000km apart, and one of many...
What the Mysterious Bloop Taught Us About Antarctica
2024年12月30日 · Was the infamous “bloop” a sea monster? Learn why this noise was a good reminder that we should keep an eye on the South Pole.
Deep Sea Mystery: The Enigma of The Bloop - Discovery UK
2025年2月3日 · This enigmatic underwater phenomenon, known as the Bloop, would become one of the most intriguing acoustic mysteries of the late twentieth century. But what was it that made such a deafening underwater din? Was the Bloop sound the result of a …
What Is the Bloop? Unveiling the Mystery of Piercing Sound Deep …
2024年1月24日 · The Bloop captured the imagination of people all around the world. There is a theory that this noise results from underwater erupting volcanoes, but such landforms may not be able to produce such...
The Bloop – 101 Obscure (and Useless) Facts - Sites at Penn State
2020年10月8日 · However, if this was true, the ‘Bloop creature’ would have to be truly gigantic. The largest animal on earth, the blue whale , can, at its loudest, create sounds that can be heard a few hundred miles away.
The Bloop: Mysterious Underwater Sound Finally Explained
The Bloop is a mysterious sound that was first detected by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in 1997. It was picked up by hydrophones located 5,000 km apart and was loud enough to be heard by multiple sensors over a distance of 3,000 km.
The Bloop, the Mysterious Sound Detected at the Farthest Point …
2024年4月15日 · Dubbed The Bloop, they were picked up by the SOSUS (Sound Surveillance System), an array of hydrophones (underwater devices that convert sound into electricity, much like a microphone does in the air) spanning the Pacific Ocean, tasked with monitoring undersea seismic activity, ice noise, and the population and migration of marine mammals. This ...