09G Transmission parts, repair guidelines, problems, manuals
The 09G (TF60-SN - according to Aisin Co classification) is the first 6-speed transmission which has been used since 2003 for virtually all FWD cars of Volkswagen and Audi family (A3, A4 and TT) with engine capacity from 1.4 up to 2.0 liters (Mini Cooper, Skoda Fabia, Polo)
爱信TF60SN/09G六档自动变速器维修注意事项 - 懂车帝
2023年9月16日 · 大众09G变速箱是大众汽车公司生产的一款自动变速箱系列,主要用于搭载在大众品牌的汽车上。 09G变速箱有多个不同的型号,下面是其中几个常见的型号和它们的区别:
2019年2月19日 · 09G变速箱可以说是大众在12年之前主力装配的变速箱型号,那随之双离合的问世和使用,在涡轮增压的车型上,大众逐步的把双离合替代掉了09G。 那目前速腾斯柯达等自然吸气的车型上,主要还是装配着09G,毕竟稳定性高和成本低是大众不可抛弃的原因。
爱信6AT (09G)自动变速箱故障及维修介绍 - 车家号
在09G阀体中,这些端塞有2种尺寸,5个9mm的小号端塞(SONNAX# 15741-35K)和5个11mm的大号端塞(SONNAX# 15741-36K),其中任何一个出现漏油都会导致各种换挡故障,因此是检查阀体时不能遗漏的部位。
6-speed automatic gearbox using the Lepelletier planetary gear set concept. The wide ratio spread * of 6.05 provides flexibility in use (sport or economy mode). Only five gear shifting components are required. Highly compact, lightweight and powerful.
09G/09M The Japanese automatic transmission manufacturer AISIN Co., LTD is the developer and manufacturer of the 09G transmission. Volkswagen engineers developed the transmission in conjunction with Aisin and adapted it to Volkswagen vehicles. The 09G/09M 6-speed automatic transmission is installed in the following Volkswagen vehicles:
6-Speed Automatic Transmission (09G/09M/09K) - Ross-Tech
The 09G, 09K and 09M transmissions are built on the same version of the 6-speed automatic transmission manufactured by Japanese automatic transmission manufacturer AISIN Co., LTD.
Aisin Warner 09G Electronics: Anatomy of shift controls
2014年10月1日 · Learn about the Aisin Warner 09G six-speed FWD transmission and its solenoid control for smooth and durable transmission repairs.
VOLKSWAGEN Volkswagen 09G-09M Automatic Transmission
The 09G, 09K, and Mini-Cooper will all have the 8-way sensor connector located in the left front location and the 14-way solenoid connector in the left rear location, as shown in Figure 16.
09g变速箱是爱信最差的吗-有驾 - yoojia.com
2024年9月10日 · 09G变速箱,也被称为AWF6F16,是出自爱信品牌之手的一款6速手自一体变速箱。 它常被搭配在1.5L的发动机上,例如EA211-DMB(国六标准)或DJM(国五标准),并且广泛应用于一汽大众汽车有限公司的多款车型中。