Easiest way to divide 10MHz to 1MHz? - Page 1 - EEVblog
2020年9月3日 · With an ATMega8 microprocessor, one can obtain 5MHz and 1MHz by CTC on Timer1 and Timer2 output respectively. This is a hardware solution and operates without software support after setting up. Then with a bit of creative programming of cycle counting, it is then possible to obtain 100KHz, 10KHz, ...0.01Hz simultaneously on the 8-bit PORTD pins.
Design of a 1MHz phase detector circuit - Page 1 - EEVblog
2020年10月15日 · Re: Design of a 1MHz phase detector circuit « Reply #21 on: October 29, 2020, 10:30:51 am » If using the oscillator and phase shift way, there is not need to use the discrete made LC oscillator, a ready made crystal oscillator is much easier and more stable.
Affordable Low frequency (< 1MHz) network anayzer - Page 1
2016年9月21日 · Maybe consider scoring an old HP 3563A off ebay. They tend to go for $400 to $600 and cover DC to around 100kHz; that's more than enough span for characterizing audio circuits and note that the 3563A measures both phase and frequency response (ie - it is a proper vector network analyzer, just limited in frequency range).
1MHz circuit diodes, which ones? - Page 1 - EEVblog
2016年5月6日 · 1N4148 will work just fine at 10x or even 25x this. You can even evaluate a 1MHz small-signal circuit on a breadboard, no problem at all. By the way, even 1N400x style rectifier diodes (x = current rating in amp, so 1N4005 is a 5A rectifier diode) are rated for junction capacitance and recovery at 1MHz.
Design of a 1MHz phase detector circuit - Page 2 - EEVblog
2020年10月29日 · Re: Design of a 1MHz phase detector circuit « Reply #25 on: October 29, 2020, 01:50:55 pm » The Lockin amplifiers are often used relatively slow, but the principle of phase sensitive detection can also be used with a higher BW at the output.
Easiest way to divide 10MHz to 1MHz? - Page 2 - EEVblog
2020年9月4日 · goto sub_1mhz_loop ; escape this 1mhz generating loop incf portb,F ; If you just want 1 1MHz clock output, use bsf portb,0 nop nop goto mhz_1loop sub_1mhz_loop incf portb,F ; If you just want 1 1MHz clock output, use bcf portb,0 movf porta,w ; read input switches xorlw MODE_1MHZ ; defined switch setting for 1 MHz btfsc status,Z ; skip the next ...
1MHz or Greater LCR Meter? - Page 1 - EEVblog
2019年11月27日 · OP, your question is confusing. The AADE meter was not a true LCR meter (not phase sensitive), and it also did not work in the 1MHz range. If you want a simple oscillator/frequency counter LC meter like the AADE, you can buy one of the Chinese products like the "LC200A" or the "secohmmeter" cheaply on eBay. They will work just as well.
Quality LCR Measurements at 1MHz - Page 1 - EEVblog
2022年3月14日 · Anticipating some upcoming effort which will require accurate (<0.1%) matching of many L,C & R SMD devices at frequencies up to 1MHz (later maybe up to 2~5MHz), we've been looking at available instruments to help. The required frequency range is beyond our TH2830 and DE-5000, so looking into higher frequency options, one of which is from Hioki.
Understanding why this capacitor can be discharged at 1MHz
2022年5月26日 · At 1MHz it work great. But I want to do this working at 100MHz. And I am not able to make this work at 100MHz. To imagine my words, this is two pictures of tests I have done some simulation test into LTSpice. Working circuit at 1MHz, with low moisture level (Cx = 5pF) and high moisture level (Cx=50pF).
1MHz Oscillator using op amp - Page 1 - EEVblog
2013年2月18日 · Is it possible to design a 1Mhz sine wave oscillator using op amp? According to some App Note from TI it is only possible design oscillator up to a couple of Khz with op amp. But if you take high speed op amp like some Analog Device "AD8055" which have a slew rate of 1400V/us and a 300Mhz -3dB bandwidth I am wondering if we can design ...