1999年6月10日 · We modified tailspike by rational single amino acid replacements at three sites in order to investigate the influence of mutations of two types: (1) mutations expected to cause …
1QQ1: TAILSPIKE PROTEIN, MUTANT E359G - National Center for ...
To see the interactive view of the structure, upgrade your web browser to a newer version. See the page for more information. For additional information about the interactive view, see the .
Phage P22 tailspike protein - Wikipedia
P22TSP is a homotrimeric structural protein consisting of 666 amino acids. It is noncovalently bound to the neck of the viral capsid. It has been crystallized in space group P213 and has …
PDB 1qq1 structure summary ‹ Protein Data Bank in Europe …
2000年4月12日 · 1qq1: Plasticity and steric strain in a parallel beta-helix: rational mutations in the P22 tailspike protein.
PDBsum entry 1qq1 - EMBL-EBI
Name: Viral protein: Title: Tailspike protein, mutant e359g Structure: Tailspike protein. Chain: a. Fragment: c-terminal fragment. Synonym: tsp. Engineered: yes.
SCOPe 2.08: Structural Classification of Proteins — extended
PDB entry 1qq1 View 1qq1 on RCSB PDB site Description: tailspike protein, mutant e359g Class: viral protein Keywords: BETA-HELIX, Viral protein Deposited on 1999-06-10, released 2000 …
Stored Loops of 1qq1 - Pompeu Fabra University
PDB: 1qq1 Compound: tailspike protein Classification: VIRUS/VIRAL PROTEIN Entry date in PDB: 2000-04-12 Resolution [Å]: 1.80 R-Factor: 0.184
3D View: 1QQ1 - RCSB PDB
See Citation Policies for referencing Mol*, RCSB PDB, PDB structures, and Computed Structure Models.
1qq1 - Proteopedia, life in 3D
1qq1 is a 1 chain structure with sequence from Salmonella virus P22. Full crystallographic information is available from OCA. For a guided tour on the structure components use …
Genome Coordinates: 1QQ1 - RCSB PDB
As a member of the wwPDB, the RCSB PDB curates and annotates PDB data according to agreed upon standards. The RCSB PDB also provides a variety of tools and resources. Users …