Releases · PathOfBuildingCommunity/PathOfBuilding-PoE2 - GitHub
2025年1月17日 · The Path of Building Community Team is happy to release the first version of Path of Building for Path of Exile 2. It was a lot of work and there are sure to be an above-average number of bugs as many systems and interactions have changed from PoE1 to PoE2.
POB2发布v0.5.0(已中文化),抄作业的正确姿势,再也不怕买错装备了 - 流放之路2 …
是开发者 Openarl 为 POE 开发的离线的优秀的 BD 构建工具,该团队2025年1月18日发布了流放之路2的POB2工具0.1.0版本,虽然还有很多需要修复和优化的地方,但完全不影响我们的敬意! 主要功能是通过导入自己或别人的pob来进行天赋、装备、技能等参数修改等来获取自己满意的DPS,愉快游戏;也可以把自己满意的的配置分享给别人来学习研究。 市集看上了一件装备,不知道对自己的提升到底有多大,现在好了,导入POB,是否提升或者提升多大就能一眼看穿,再 …
GitHub - PathOfBuildingCommunity/PathOfBuilding-PoE2
Welcome to Path of Building 2, an offline build planner for Path of Exile 2! Head over to the Releases page to download the install wizard or portable zip. Calculate your skill DPS, damage over time, life/mana/ES totals and much more! Fully integrated with the offence/defence calculations; see exactly how each node will affect your character!
PoB2 Release and PoB Team Partnership - Path of Exile 2
2025年1月19日 · After a few delays, Path of Building is finally out for Path of Exile 2! PoB2 is a separate application dedicated to Path of Exile 2, created by LocalIdentity and his team. In addition, we are honored to announce PoB2 hosting here on …
[POB汉化][POE2/S26]PoeCharm3-2025.02.22 - 流放之路 - 踩蘑菇 …
POB: PathOfBuilding 是开发者 Openarl 为 POE 开发的离线的优秀的 BD 构建工具; 源地址. PoeCharm3: 1.将 PathOfBuilding 运行在中文环境下. 支持中文/英文混和搜索技能/天赋/装备; 支持导入国服人物/粘帖国服装备(维护中) 2.常用链接; 3.每日迷宫(已移除)
Path of Building Release for PoE2 - Path of Exile 2 - Maxroll.gg
2025年1月5日 · On January 13th, LocalIdentity and the PoB Community Fork Team are releasing major updates for Path of Building to support Path of Exile 2. The main features include the basics of skills, passives, ascendancies, and items. In the future, expect more calculations, additional item support, and more features!
Temporary clone of PoB 2 so we can work on it until the main
2025年1月18日 · This is a fork of Openarl's Path Of Building that includes many extra features not in the base version of PoB. Adds support for new and updated uniques from league 3.8 onwards; Pantheon support; Impale DPS support; Enemy armour and physical damage reduction calculations; Catalysts; Dual influence crafting; Search for all dropdown boxes; Barrage ...
《流亡黯道2》最強流派構建工具 POB2中文版工具完整安裝教學, …
2025年1月21日 · Path of Building 2(簡稱POB2)是《流亡黯道2》玩家必備的流派規劃工具,本篇將為各位詳細介紹如何安裝中文化版本,並教學如何匯入遊戲裝備資料。 POB2中文化工具下載教學
Path of building 2 is released! | PoE2DB
Path of building 2 is released! https://github.com/PathOfBuildingCommunity/PathOfBuilding-PoE2/releases. Quick reminder that you can ctrl+C your items in path of exile in order to quickly paste them into PoB, since importing's not currently active. All game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of Grinding Gear Games.
Path of Building Community Fork
Path of Building is able to understand most mods that can be found on items and lets you perform anointments, crafting, corruptions, and more. Set up gear sets and compare the effects of your changes. What has the community added so far? Pantheon gods: Plan out your defenses better by picking your Pantheon powers.
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