2S23 Nona-SVK 120mm Self-Propelled Gun System - Army Technology
2S23 Nona-SVK is a self-propelled gun system designed by Russian firm Perm Machine-Building Plant to protect infantry units against enemy forces in the battlefield. The system is currently operational with armed forces of the Russian Federation and Venezuela.
2S23式自行迫榴炮 - 百度百科
该炮于1990年正式列装,是一种多用途两栖自行迫榴炮系统,为前苏联/ 俄罗斯陆军 轻型装甲部队和海军陆战队提供快速机动火力。 采用BTR-80型8×8轮式装甲输送车底盘,乘员4人。 火炮射击采用人工装填方式,炮塔方向回转范围为左右各70度,火炮的高低俯仲范围为-40度~+80度,炮身安装有热报警装置。 战斗全重14.5吨,最大速度80公里/小时,最大行程600公里,水上最大航速10公里/小时。 可发射的弹药有:破甲杀伤 迫击炮弹,最大射程8.85公里;火箭助推迫击炮弹,最 …
2S9 Nona - Wikipedia
In August 2022, Ukraine's armed forces claimed to use four captured Russian 2S9 against Russian forces. [8] . In November 2022, a 2S23-SVK Nona was photographed in Ukrainian service. It was reportedly captured from Russian forces and took months to refit. [9]
俄罗斯2S23“诺娜-SVK”120mm自行迫榴炮 高效武器装备数量少
2023年3月25日 · 2s23“诺娜-svk”是一款高效的自行迫榴炮,提供了俄罗斯陆军亟需的自行火炮能力。 先进的火控系统、移动射击能力和毁灭性火力使其成为战场上不 ...
2S23 Nona-SVK - Army Recognition
2025年1月17日 · The 2S23 Nona-SVK is capable of applying aimed fire both from direct and indirect laying positions with mortar bombs and standard artillery shells. In addition to standard artillery rounds, the gun fires all types of mortar shells …
2S23 NONA - Army Guide
The 120-mm 2S23 self-propelled howitzer/mortar system is essentially a modified version of the turret used with the 2S9 system mounted on a modified BTR-80 (8 x 8) armored personnel carrier chassis.
2S23 Nona-SVK - Weaponsystems.net
The 2S23 Nona is a self-propelled mortar of Russian origin. It was developed in the late 1980’s as a more mobile and less costly alternative to the 2S9 Anona. It is designed to support troops with both direct and indirect fire. The 2S23 is based on the widely used BTR-80 chassis.
2S23 Nona-SVK Self-Propelled Gun-Mortar - GlobalSecurity.org
2S23 Nona-SVK self-propelled artillery system is designed to suppress artillery and mortar batteries, rocket launchers, armored targets, incoming firepower, control points and enemy troops, can...
乌克兰战场上的俄罗斯120毫米自行迫榴炮 - 知乎
2023年8月4日 · 2S23式“Nona-SVK”120毫米自行迫榴炮装备有先进的火控系统,可以准确命中12公里以内的军事目标。 该款自行迫榴炮照片上看上去还不错,真实战斗力那就不知道了。
2S23诺娜-SVK - 哔哩哔哩
2022年7月10日 · SAO 2S23“诺娜-SVK”旨在压制人力、火炮和迫击炮、火箭发射器、装甲目标、定点武器和指挥所。 能够在没有事先准备的情况下从封闭位置和直接射击进行有针对性的射击。 可以发射俄罗斯和外国生产的所有类型的120-mm火炮。 历史. 在 1970 年代,新的自行火炮在苏联服役。 同时,所进行的研究表明,苏联火箭和火炮武器系统需要彻底现代化,到 1980 年代初,开始着手研制下一代自行火炮: 2S17 - 营级,2S18 - 团级,2S19 - 师级。 上述所有自行火炮 …
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