Advice for a 11B wanting to go 35 | ShadowSpear Special Operations
2016年12月27日 · 35L and 35P In-Service Recruitment Soldiers may reclassify into MOS 35L or 35P regardless of the In/Out Calls for their particular MOS (provided they meet criteria into …
As an Army 42A reservist, how can I attend the RTI at Camp …
2021年1月3日 · Hello! I am a 42A reservist that is looking to reclass to the 35 series, preferably 35L or 35F. I am interested in going to Camp Williams in Utah (the National Guard Regional …
Advice for a 35F - ShadowSpear Special Operations
2019年7月7日 · I'm a 35L with an Infantry background. I understand the battlefield from an Infantry CDRs perspective. Your products and deliverables to the CDR will teach you how to …
Questions about 35M/HUMINT | ShadowSpear Special Operations
2016年8月18日 · My $0.02 is that maybe you should consider transitioning to 35M with the eventual goal of 35L or getting into the SMU/Special Program world. FWIW (and it probably …
35M Language Requirement Returning - ShadowSpear Special …
2014年1月10日 · The process is now fully in motion for 35M to become a language dependent MOS over the next few years. That means if you're a 35M now below the rank of E-7 you've …
Reclassing to 35N - ShadowSpear Special Operations
2016年6月24日 · However, with your language skills you might consider looking at 35M, 35L, or even 35F. The real question is what type of work do you want to do and what kind of career …
Question about 35m option 40 | ShadowSpear Special Operations
2016年9月16日 · 75th has an intelligence company, and S2 (intelligence sections) at the Regiment and each of the BNs - those are the only intelligence slots.
Looking for Career Advice | ShadowSpear Special Operations
2019年5月15日 · Howdy, I recently sent a PM to @Marauder06 and he suggested that I post the question here. _____________ I'm a 35L SSG in the Guard and I'm looking for broadening …
Group 35 Series Training Opportunities | ShadowSpear Special …
2024年6月8日 · If you'd like some background on me, please see my NG 18 Series/Federal LEO post which is functionally my introduction post. In short, I'm a 35N who will soon be going to …
Prior Service business rules Army - ShadowSpear Special Operations
2012年12月24日 · (2) Grade E-5 - 12W, 15W, 25M, 25N, 25P, 25R, 35L, 35M, 35N, 56M, 74D, or 92A. (3) Grades E-6 - 35P and 46R. 11. All applicants who require a grade determination, …