.38-55 as a hunting round - Ruger Forum
2013年11月5日 · A 38-55 255 grain Barnes JSPFP bullet has higher sectional density. In my 28 inch Winchester 94 it gives 1871 fps with 35 grains of IMR-3031 and CCI 200 primers. Still doing 1360 fps at 230 yards, only down a foot when sighted 3.3" high at 80 yards, on at 150 yards and has 1050 ft-lbs of energy.
38-55 bullets and loads - 24HOURCAMPFIRE
2021年4月19日 · Definitely find some Starline 38-55 brass with the thin .007” neck wall thickness. Winchester brass has 010” wall thickness. This will solve the problem mentioned above where a .381 bullet plus two .010 neck walls equals about .401”, larger than the 38-55 chamber neck at about .396” Starline brass loaded with a .381” bullet will be 0. ...
.38-55 in a Win. 375 Model 94? - Ruger Forum
2018年7月10日 · Those changes allow a .38-55 cartridge to be safely fired in a .375 Win. They also allow a .375 Win to be safely fired in a .38-55 as the shorter 2.020” 375 Win case and smaller .375 Win bullet allows the undersized bullet to slide through the .375” land diameter in the .38-55 bore without exceeding the .38-55 pressure limits.
38-55 Winchester ... - Ruger Forum
2023年3月18日 · The new production .38-55 ammo also used a .3775” bullet to go with the smaller .3775” bores used in the new rifles, along with the “short“ 2.080” .38-55 case. Those new .38-55 dimensions made it possible to fire the new .38-55 …
Recent Production Win 94 38-55 Bore Size? - 24hourcampfire
2022年12月12日 · Bullet diameter and groove diameter are discussed. Of more concern in this article is brass length and thickness. It appears thick brass in the past has led to chambering problems. Article is from Starline Brass stipulating two lengths of brass and thinner made brass for the 38-55 WCF. Hope this helps. Mic McPherson on the 38-55 WCF
Help me decide on a single shot: 44 mag or 38-55 for deer
2010年12月26日 · So, here is my dilemna: we can use 45-70, 444, 45 Long Colt, 44 Mag or a 38-55---must be a single shot of .38 or above. I know she cannot handle the recoil of the larger calibers. I think the 45 Colt is a little weak. She plugged one well last year at 100 yards using the Hornady Leverevolution but the blood played out after 50 yards.
Can I shoot 375 Winchester ammunition in my 38-55 Marlin
2006年6月24日 · 38-55 Ammo seems to be seasonal but where I am there seems to be a good deal of 375 Winchester ammo. Also, the factory offerings of 38-55 (Winchester load) is pretty anemic (1300fps with a 255gr). The reload manuals show upwards of 1900fps with this bullet in the 38-55. I intend to use this rifle for proper hunting, not cowboy plinking.
38-55 Win Smokeless loads - 24HOURCAMPFIRE
2011年1月20日 · Slugging the bore is very good advice. I have 2 38-55's and neither will shoot the Hornady or Sierra bullets as they are to under sized for the bores. One goes .379 and the other .380 plus. Both shoot the Win. and Barnes .377 bullets very good. The Win. factory loads are mild but accurate in my rifles.
Can I shoot 375 Winchester ammunition in my 38-55 Marlin
2008年4月25日 · 38-55 Ammo seems to be seasonal but where I am there seems to be a good deal of 375 Winchester ammo. Also, the factory offerings of 38-55 (Winchester load) is pretty anemic (1300fps with a 255gr). The reload manuals show upwards of 1900fps with this bullet in the 38-55. I intend to use this rifle for proper hunting, not cowboy plinking.
Converting .30-30 to .38-55 - 24HOURCAMPFIRE
2004年2月26日 · My data says that out of the muzzle, the momentum and *Taylor Bekker Index of a 38-55 250 gr. is 17.5. For comparison, the 30-30 (160 gr.) is 14.8 and the .308 (165 gr.) is 17.82 Considering that the 38-55 was considered a target round, I think its a winner. Especially for deer and black bears.