The 4 pillars of the United Nations | United Nations
The Preamble of the UN Charter describes the four pillars of the UN. These pillars are: Peace and Security; Human Rights; The Rule of Law; Development; These pillars are interconnected.
UN General Assembly - Fourth Committee - Special Political and ...
The Special Political and Decolonization Committee (Fourth Committee) considers a broad range of issues covering a cluster of five decolonization-related agenda items, the effects of...
4th International Conference on Financing for Development
2024年1月17日 · The Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development (FFD4) provides a unique opportunity to reform financing at all levels, including to support reform of the international financial...
United Nations Charter (full text) | United Nations
promoting international co-operation in the economic, social, cultural, educational, and health fields, and assisting in the realization of human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without...
United Nations General Assembly Fourth Committee - Wikipedia
The United Nations General Assembly Fourth Committee (also known as the Special Political and Decolonization Committee or SPECPOL or C4) is one of six main committees of the United Nations General Assembly. It deals with a diverse set of political issues, including UN peacekeeping and peaceful uses of outer space.
統一英制螺紋規格 | 米計算 meCalculator
統一英制螺紋主要分為幾種類型,包括粗牙(Unified National Coarse, UNC)、細牙(Unified National Fine, UNF)和極細牙(Unified National Extra-Fine, UNEF),此外還有定吋牙螺紋,如 4UN、6UN、8UN、12UN、16UN、20UN、28UN 和 32UN。 這些螺紋的山形設計為銳角,牙山的角度為60°。 與公制螺紋直接標示「牙距」不同,統一英制螺紋是以「每一英吋有幾牙」的方式來表示其規格。 統一英制螺紋粗牙 UNC、細牙 UNF、極細牙 UNEF,以及定吋牙 4UN …
2025年2月4日 · The United States helped found the United Nations (UN) after World War II to prevent future global conflicts and promote international peace and security.
Charter of the United Nations - United Nations - Office of Legal …
2023年6月30日 · 4. All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner...
Goal 4 | Department of Economic and Social Affairs
2025年2月5日 · Target 4.2: Data from 76 mainly low- and middle-income countries from 2015 to 2023 shows that approximately two-thirds of young children are developmentally on track, with no significant gender...
UN 美制螺纹及尺寸表 - 道客巴巴
2019年5月31日 · 星级: 4 页 美制螺纹常用规格极限尺寸表 星级: 4 ... UN 美制螺纹尺寸 Unit=mm公称 螺纹 牙 牙 螺 公差 螺纹 外径 螺纹 中径 螺纹小径 公差 螺纹 小径 螺纹 中径 螺纹外径 钻孔直径 规格 数 高 距 代号 Max Min Max Min Max 代号 Min Max Min Max Min 直径0.073(#1) 1-64UNC 64 0.236 ...
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