Phospho-Tyrosine (4G10) Mouse mAb #96215 - Cell Signaling …
Phospho-Tyrosine (4G10) Mouse mAb recognizes a broad range of tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins and peptides. This antibody does not cross-react with proteins or peptides containing phospho-Ser or phospho-Thr residues.
抗磷酸酪氨酸抗体,克隆4G10 - Sigma-Aldrich
Anti-Phosphotyrosine Antibody, 4G10 ® Platinum, HRP Conjugate
The development of the anti-phosphotyrosine, clone 4G10 in 1989 was a monumental discovery for researchers. 4G10 was the first and is the best single monoclonal antibody for the detection tyrosine phosphorylation. 4G10 is well known for its sensitivity and its ability to detect multiple tyrosine phosphorylations on numerous substrates.
The 4G10, pY20 and p-TYR-100 antibody specificity: profiling
2012年6月15日 · Anti-phosphotyrosine (pY) antibodies are widely used as experimental tools to monitor the phosphorylation status of a cell. By using peptide microarray technology we have characterised the substrate specificity of three widely used pY antibodies.
Anti-Phosphotyrosine Antibody, clone 4G10, mouse Sigma
Anti-Phosphotyrosine Antibody, clone 4G10 detects tyrosine phosphorylated proteins in all species. This unique monoclonal antibody is validated for use in IC, IH, IP, WB and is backed by hundreds of publications
anti-Phosphotyrosine Antibody (4G10) | 抗体抑制剂 | MCE
anti-Phosphotyrosine Antibody (4G10) is a mouse-derived IgG2b type antibody inhibitor, targeting to Phosphotyrosine. 抗体框架具有稳定性、特异性和适应性,同时具有结合抗原和内源免疫受 …
Flex Cable - 4G10 - Belden
Applicable for occasional flexing or fixed installation connecting precision control sensors, multi axis control machines, temperature controllers, control panels, machine cutting tools, auxiliary equipment, motor speed control, production machinery and many more. 300/500 V (Max. Operating Voltage)
4G10 ® Platinum, Anti-Phosphotyrosine Antibody, Agarose Conjugate
4G10 Platinum, Anti-Phosphotyrosine, Agarose Conjugate detects levels of Phosphotyrosine proteins & has been published & validated for use in IP. Features and Benefits Format: Gel Immobilized
4G10 ® 铂,抗磷酸酪氨酸抗体,琼脂糖偶联物
4G10是检测酪氨酸磷酸化的第一个也是最佳单克隆抗体。 4G10以其灵敏度和检测多种底物上多种酪氨酸磷酸化的能力而闻名。 在过去的20年中,它已经在几乎每个应用和酪氨酸靶标中得到了数千名科学和医学研究人员的验证。 现在Millipore用4G10铂做到最好甚至更好。 我们将4G10 与下一个最受推崇的抗磷酸酪氨酸克隆PY20合并在一起,制成4G10 铂。 PY20本身是4G10的非常差的替代品,但是它的累加效应允许在更多的底物上进行更高水平的检测,而即使单独使用4G10也能 …
蛋白质磷酸化检测的完美组合——4G10® Platinum(4G10+PY20) …
2010年11月30日 · 4G10. ®. Platinum-4G10和PY20优势互补,可以检测到更多的酪氨酸磷酸化位点,成为研究. 细胞信号通路的重要工具. 优点: 与4G10的使用方法是一样的. 比单独使用4G10或者PY20检测到更多的酪氨酸磷酸化位点. 液质联用MassSpec(LC/MSandMS/MS)发现新酪氨酸磷酸化位点. 应用广泛