约 3 个结果

Hey Magic Z-1 owners. Questions - The Gear Page
2015年10月13日 · I have both the Z1 and Z1-V. Upgraded the amps with Sylvania 5V4 rectifiers, vintage 6V6's and RCA 6973, all old 12AX7s. These are just amazing and the Z1 nails Zep tones. Like spot on. Tons of fun. The Z1-V gets into Marshall JMP territory. These two amps officially ended my search for any other amps. Hats off to Moods!
Dr. Z KT45 - Any up-to-date love? - The Gear Page
2011年4月7日 · As I impatiently await a KT45 head at my local dealer (99% sure I'll buy it when it comes in), it's amazing how little info there is about this particular...
rectifier - The Gear Page
I have what seems to be a 68 drip edge deluxe reverb. The chassis dates 1967 and the transformer code (606-7-44) also seems to date 1967 44th week.