Sample Direct Dispute Letter - myFICO® Forums - 1230055
2012年2月17日 · “This is a direct dispute of credit reporting. This is not a request for debt validation/verification under FDCPA §809(b).”. (don’t let them just simply sluff it off as a …
609 Credit repair? - Page 3 - myFICO® Forums - 4894732
2018年10月15日 · Hello all! New here so forgive me if I do anything "wrong". I am trying to get my husbands credit cleaned up as we - 4894732 - 3
Dispute letters - myFICO® Forums - 5401294
2018年11月6日 · A "template" need only state that you are filing a dispute under FCRA 611. Other than that, the dispute must identify the specific information that is considered to be inaccurate, …
Section 609 FCRA - myFICO® Forums - 629835
2010年2月4日 · FCRA 609 relates to consumer requests for information in their credit file, usually requiring the fee set forth in FCRA 612(f). FCRA 609 is not directed to credit reporting by the …
credit report dispute letter templates - myFICO® Forums - 4646079
2016年6月21日 · As background in making a dispute, below is an FTC staff opinion letter dated Fedruary 11, 1998 that specifically addresses the issue of automobile dealers accessing a …
609 Letter 2022 - myFICO® Forums - 6549888
2022年6月12日 · I have heard mix reviews on the effectiveness of sending a 609 Letter to the credit agencies. I have heard enough information to be willing to give it a try. Is there anyone …
609 letter results - myFICO® Forums - 5058522
2017年9月29日 · To then seek deletion or corrrection involves use of the dispute process, either via a dispute to the CRA under FCRA 611 or directly to the furnisher under FCRA 623(a)(8). …
Child Support Removal Letter Template - myFICO® Forums
2019年12月15日 · Fair Isaac is not a credit repair organization as defined under federal or state law, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act. Fair Isaac does not provide "credit repair" …
"609 Letters" -- what's the deal? - myFICO® Forums - 5206238
2018年3月29日 · I keep reading about these "609 Letters".. and I have some questions. Sample letter: To whom it may concern, I am writing a letter of dispute. I have included a copy of my …
LexisNexis: Disputes and Type of Consumer Informat ... - myFICO® …
2018年2月27日 · Pursuant to Section 609 of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, you have a right to obtain a copy of your Full File Disclosure once every 12 months. You may request a copy be …