S&W 6906 Inquiry - Smith And Wesson Forums
2012年2月12日 · The 6906 is a trus S&W classic. Just getting it is a step in the right direction. You'll love the way it handles and sucks up the recoil form the ammo. It'll be so easy to shoot you might be amazed they still aren't making them. The 5906 and 6906 were used heavily in Law Enforcement because of their reliability and the accuracy they were famous ...
AIP 6906 - smith-wessonforum.com
2025年2月4日 · More info on my AIP 6906. Looks like that shipped to Cheshire & Perez Distributing in Monrovia, California on September 26, 1988. SKU number is 104054, which I show to be a 3 ½-inch stainless gun with 12 shot magazine, fixed sights, and ambidextrous safety.
Red dot mount for 6906? - smith-wessonforum.com
2024年9月6日 · I just picked up a 6906. It is a little beat up but that is fine. A question though. I would like to put a red dot on it. I have seen another thread where there is a low rise Optima JPoint mount. When I found the sight where these are sold, there is nothing for a Smith 59/69 series. Is this something where the Sig or 1911 mount is compatible?
6906 revived - smith-wessonforum.com
2025年1月10日 · As an interesting side note have the PC9 which is a two tone Performance center version of the 6906 ( some call them shorty 9's) also have two PC Shorty .40's and none have that ambi safety. My guess is the factory marketing people probably thought it was better to add it for LEO agency type acceptance but unnecessary on the PC versions which ...
How will a 6906 compare with my 5906? - Smith & Wesson Forum
2013年11月1日 · A 6906 is also identical to a concurrent construction 5906 in every way except three. 1. The barrel and slide is 1/2" shorter. 2. The grip and magazine are about 7/16" shorter reducing magazine capacity by three rounds. 3. The frame on the 6906 is made from an aluminum alloy whereas the frame on the 5906 is made from stainless steel.
S&W 3913 - 6906 - 469 - 669 | Smith And Wesson Forums
2010年5月27日 · 6906 without a doubt. I carried a 669 both off and on duty for the last 14 years of my career and then replaced it with the 6906. It just fits my hand better than my 3913 and I shoot it better. The only difference between the two is the width of the grip and the mag capacity which makes the 6906 a bit heavier but not enough to make a difference ...
6906 - Smith And Wesson Forums
2022年1月15日 · Most folks prefer the Novak style rear sight of the later Model 6906 and other later 3rd Gens, but the installation of a Novak-style rear sight requires some machining of those early slides to fit. If you want yours done, contact member "BMCM" over on the other S&W forum.
Tell Me About This Model 6906 - smith-wessonforum.com
2025年2月23日 · But there are also multiple brands aftermarket 6906 10-12rd mags that are worth $0 each and should be avoided in my opinion. For the most part 3rd gen pistols are pretty bulletproof - the only exception I have found was the ramp on inside of frame where barrel slides down on recoil on the Aluminum framed pistols (including a 6944 which is the ...
6906 Holster Recommendations - All types - Smith & Wesson Forum
2017年1月24日 · Wright Leather Works makes their entire holster line for the 6906. I have two of their "Predators" and have never seen better quality or workmanship. I have worn mine for about 3 years and the fit and retention are still spot on. Concealed Carry Leather Holsters - Wright Leather Works LLC [IMG] S&W Shield 003cf3 by Jerry Jaynes, on Flickr[/IMG]
need info on my s&w 6906 - Smith And Wesson Forums
2012年3月2日 · I have both a 5906 and a 6906. There were some factory S&W 20 and 25 round mags, but darn near impossible to find. The MecGar 15 and 17 round mags are flush fit in the full size pistols. Excellent quality, and they have even produced factory mags for …