6CW4, Tube 6CW4; Röhre 6CW4 ID3728, Triode, vacuum
Tube 6CW4 or Röhre 6CW4 ID3728, Triode, vacuum, Nuvistor and UHF shown. Radio tubes are valves.
6CW4是什么类型的电子管 - 〓电子管技术区〓 - 矿石收音机论坛
2013年5月9日 · 苏联的6C51H与RCA的7586类似,是中μ管 (30),6CW4是高μ. 高μ类似的有2CW4 13CW4 2DS4 6DS4 2EG4 7895 8O58 8808等. 说句稍微夸张点的话,“纽维斯特管" 管 标志着 电子管器件 的顶峰 水平。 小型化、可靠性、稳定性、抗加速度等硬性指标 都是其他类型管子无法比拟的。 但是可惜的是,这类管子 出现的年代,晶体管已经完善和初见成熟了,原件市场很快被 晶体管一统天下,所以 它只是 在人类文明的 天空中划过了美丽的一道星光就消失了~~ 说句稍 …
6CW4 @ The Valve Museum - r-type.org
The 6CW4 Nuvistor from RCA is a triode for use at VHF and built into a small metal case. The base is ceramic sealed to the metal case and five fine pins, on a 12 pin grid, form the connections and the electrode supports internally.
RCA 6CW4 Nuvistor, High-Mu Triode
The 6CW4 is a high-mu triode for use as a grounded-cathode, neutralized RF-amplifier tube in tuners of VHF television and FM receivers. Fiche technique • Data sheet • Datenblatt: 6CW4.pdf
求助6CW4 - 〓电子管技术区〓 - 矿石收音机论坛 - Powered by …
2010年1月16日 · 楼主确定您的管子型号是6CW4吗? 这是一种70年代后期美军才开发出来的一种超小型 金属封装 高可靠性的特殊管子 悄悄的说啊,不要告诉别人,这种管子的设计初衷是间谍卫星和导弹.... http://www.mif.pg.gda.pl/homepages/frank/sheets/049/6/6CW4.pdf
有谁了解纽维斯特电子管 - 〓电子管技术区〓 - 矿石收音机论坛
2022年6月9日 · 6CW4是高U单三极管,属于纽维斯特管类(nuvistor)(微型抗震电子管),5脚小管,特殊的管座。 性能优良,出现的很晚了,用于航空航天,军工导弹等。
HHScott Vacuum Tubes -- 6CW4 - 6DS4 - Nuvistor Applications
Designed mainly for military and test-equipment applications, the Nuvistor bridged the gap between tubes and transistors. Unfortunately (for tube aficionados), the release of the Nuvistor appeared at the same time as the announcement of the first integrated circuit, and its fate was all but sealed right from the start.
An evaluation of the nuvistor - robkalmeijer.nl
By now most v.h.f. men who build their own receiving gear, and some who don't, have been wondering about the Nuvistor, a radically different type of tube introduced some time ago by RCA. Advance information indicated that the 6CW4 should be a very good performer in the v.h.f. range, and perhaps even at 420 Mc. As the tube is now becoming ...
6CW4 - TekWiki - w140.com
2023年9月27日 · The 6CW4 (P/N 154-0323-00) is a Nuvistor triode vacuum tube introduced in the late 1950s, originally designed for RF amplifier applications in TV and FM tuners.
6CW4是什么类型的电子管 - 百度知道
6CW4是高U单三极管,属于纽维斯特管类(nuvistor)(微型抗震电子管),5脚小管,特殊的管座。 性能优良,出现的很晚了,用于航空航天,军工导弹等。