6DR7, Tube 6DR7; Röhre 6DR7 ID4781, Double Triode
Tube 6DR7 or Röhre 6DR7 ID4781, Double Triode, Noval, 9 pin miniature (USA pico-9) B9A and Universal shown. Radio tubes are valves.
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Title: 6DR7 Author: RCA Subject: JA-FP-2002-05-25 Created Date: 5/26/2002 2:23:36 AM
HIFIDIY论坛-一起来做小胆机【mini.5】6EM7单端 - Powered by …
2021年5月31日 · 6EM7和GF7、6ew7等等这些非常像(参数也很接近),和6GL7、6EA7连管脚都一样。 都是电子管晚期出的不对称复合功率管,内部包含一只电压放大三极管和一只功率三极管,体型小功率大,非常适合做小机器。 我一直想不明白同样的参数为什么要出这么多型号? 6EM7在其中最为大家熟知,早有日本烧友开始玩。 估计主要是由于它是大八脚管座,更容易为人接受。 其实应该先做一台EM7的机器,然后其他几种就用转换座来顶岗……那就不用做这么 …
HIFIDIY论坛-【迷你胆机】6DR7/13DR7单端胆机pcb - Powered by …
2021年6月19日 · 6dr7 /13dr7 是电子管巅峰时期生产的复合管,内部包含一只电压放大管和一只功率放大管,相当于迷你版的6sl7+2a3,一个管子就能完成一个声道的工作,适合做小单端、耳放、或者做300b、845的推动管。
6DR7 @ The Valve Museum - r-type.org
The 6DR7 double triode consists of a TV frame oscillator as unit 1 and a frame output amplifier as unit two. This American valve was designed for their 525 line 30 Hz frame system. Also with the same characteristics but different heater values were the: 10DR7 9.7V @ 0.6A, 13DR7 13V @ 0.45A and 19DR7 18.9V @ 0.3A.
6dr7 tube products for sale - eBay
Get the best deals on 6dr7 tube when you shop the largest online selection at eBay.com. Free shipping on many items | Browse your favorite brands | affordable prices.
【迷你胆机】出6DR7/13DR7单端胆机pcb - 『胆艺轩器材交易区 …
2006年10月20日 · 6dr7 /13dr7 是电子管巅峰时期生产的复合管,内部包含一只电压放大管和一只功率放大管,相当于迷你版的6sl7+2a3,一个管子就能完成一个声道的工作,适合做小单端、耳放、或者做300b、845的推动管。
TDSL Tube data [6DR7]
Bold designators are close or identical, designators are different ratings, different pinouts or different filament voltages. Please see the substitutes at the top of the page for more details.
6DR7 High-Mu Triode, Low-Mu Triode Oscillator Amplifier RCA …
The 6DR7 High-Mu Triode, Low-Mu Triode is used as combined vertical-deflection oscillator and vertical-deflection amplifier. The triodes also works well for AM/FM and general purpose oscillator circuits and for push-pull cathode-drive RF amplifiers.
Vacuum Tube - 6DR7, Triode, Dissimilar Double
The 6DR7 is a double triode with dissimilar section in the 9 pin miniature construction. Section #1 has a high mu and is intended for use as a vertical deflection oscillator. Section #2 has a low mu and is designed for use as a vertical deflection amplifier. Section #2 of the 6DR7 is identical to section #2 of the 6DE7. Note: brands may vary.
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