6GK6, Tube 6GK6; Röhre 6GK6 ID4880, Vacuum Pentode
Tube 6GK6 or Röhre 6GK6 ID4880, Vacuum Pentode, Noval, 9 pin miniature (USA pico-9) B9A and Power/Output shown. Radio tubes are valves.
6GK6 @ The Valve Museum - r-type.org
The 6GK6 is an output pentode designed for audio but also useful in other TV circuits. In single ended Class A and output of 5.7 Watts is possible with 10% distortion. In push-pull Class AB a …
6GK6 電力増幅用五極管 - 山と無線
2024年10月23日 · 6gk6は電力増幅用の五極管です。特性はオーディオで重宝される6bq5(el-84)に似ています。 今回は手持ちのアマチュア無線用トランシーバーから抜いてきた6gk6 …
6GK6 Great tubes.. - diyAudio
2017年9月14日 · The 6GK6 is somewhat cheaper, but not in large supply, or current production so the price will eventually rise. If you build your own amps with a switch or PCB jumpers on …
Vacuum Tube - 6GK6, Beam Power Amplifier | Antique …
New-Old-Stock (NOS) tube. The 6GK6 is a general-purpose power pentode that may be used either in audio output amplifier or video power output amplifier stages of television receivers. …
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6GK6 - Tube Data
Title: 6GK6 Author: General Electric Subject: JA-FP-2001-11-24 Created Date: 11/24/2001 6:23:49 PM
6GK6 vs EL84? - EL34 World
2021年7月24日 · Upon looking up the specs for the 6GK6, it seems to be very similar to the specs of the EL84, more or less the same heater current, almost the same output transformer …
6GK6 SEP amp - Audiokarma Home Audio Stereo Discussion Forums
2023年3月27日 · One of the cool things about the 6GK6 is that it's essentially equivalent to a 6BQ5, except it has a different pin out and different internal connections. Another cool thing is …
6gk6 tubes - diyAudio
6gk6 amps I haven't built an amp with them per se, but I have two little amp modules that came out of an old high end television. Each has a 12AX7 voltamp/phase splitter and two 6gk6 …
6GK6 Ultralinear - diyAudio
2007年12月12日 · I've been working on a 6GK6 PP UL driven by a 6AN8, with a Blumlein Garter circuit for the cathode bias. I have one channel up and running (it's dual mono), but I think …