RCSB PDB - 6V73: Crystal Structure of Metallo Beta Lactamase …
2019年12月6日 · 6V73 Crystal Structure of Metallo Beta Lactamase from Erythrobacter litoralis with beta mercaptoethanol in the active site. PDB DOI: https://doi.org/10.2210/pdb6V73/pdb; Classification: HYDROLASE; Organism(s): Erythrobacter litoralis HTCC2594; Mutation(s): No ; Deposited: 2019-12-06 Released: 2019-12-25
6V73: Crystal Structure of Metallo Beta Lactamase from …
6V73: Crystal Structure of Metallo Beta Lactamase from Erythrobacter litoralis with beta mercaptoethanol in the active site
PDB 6v73 structure summary ‹ Protein Data Bank in Europe (PDBe) …
2019年12月25日 · 6v73: Crystal Structure of Metallo Beta Lactamase from Erythrobacter litoralis with beta mercaptoethanol in the active site
Non nuke nuke Trip 04.8.2022 | DRS Class 68's 68002 'Intrepi
2022年4月8日 · DRS Class 68's 68002 'Intrepid and 68005 'Defiant' head through Wadborough working the 6V73 0433 Crewe Coal Sidings DRS to Berkeley CEGB with 1 empty waste carrier. Explore Recent Photos
- 查看次数: 726
Page7 FullwwPDBX-rayStructureValidationReport 6V73 4 Modelquality i 4.1 Standard geometry i MolProbityfailedtorunproperly-thissectionisthereforeempty. 4.2 Too-close contacts i MolProbityfailedtorunproperly-thissectionisthereforeempty. 4.3 Torsion angles i 4.3.1 Protein backbone i MolProbityfailedtorunproperly-thissectionisthereforeempty.
PDB-6v73: Crystal Structure of Metallo Beta Lactamase from ...
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proteopedia link proteopedia link Crystal Structure of Metallo Beta Lactamase from Erythrobacter litoralis with beta mercaptoethanol in the active site
wwPDB: 6V73
PDB Entry - 6V73 (Status - Released) Summary information: Title: Crystal Structure of Metallo Beta Lactamase from Erythrobacter litoralis with beta mercaptoethanol in the active site. PDB DOI: https://doi.org/10.2210/pdb6v73/pdb
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