17 vha?? - Savage Shooters
2014年3月8日 · I was going to run a similar wild cat called the .17 velociraptor based off the 5.7x28 brass but nearly identical case capacity. I missed the bus on the super cheap 20gr z-max's and back shelved the project. dies were made from 5.7x28 dies machined to take bushings. have close to two kegs of 1680 3-400 pieces of brass, 10k sr primers, so it ...
17 WSM bolt action - savageshooters.com
2024年11月2日 · 17. 17 WSM bolt action Local generic store has savage bolt action in the 17 wsm. Have been contemplating ...
Striker Model 503 .17 - Savage Shooters
2010年10月5日 · I bought one about five years ago. Can't remember what I paid for it but I don't think it was more than $250, maybe $300.
Mark I/II/93R: M93 .17 HMR misfires Question - Savage Shooters
2017年5月21日 · M93 .17 HMR misfires Question This is my first post in the rimfire section as I am mostly a centerfire guy. A friend of mine asked me this morning at church to look at his M93.
A17/A22 Series: A 17 17 HMR Triggers - savageshooters.com
2024年11月13日 · I have been looking at the A 17 for quite some time ( over a year). I found one at a Scheels ( A 17 Pro Varmint 17 HMR) but the trigger was absolutely horrible. The sales person said he could adjust it down and after 10 or 15 minutes he came back and said he and the manager tried to adjust the trigger down but it just would not adjust.
New to 17 hornet Loading - savageshooters.com
2024年11月1日 · Ill be taking delivery of a Savage 25 in 17 Hornet soon. I already have some factory ammo to start with. Also picked up a set of Hornady dies to start with. I don't have any powders in my stash suitable for this cartridge . Have seen CFE Black and 2200 mentioned in some posts as good starting points. Kinda leaning towards CFE as a safe choice.
New .17 WSM Models Added to A-Series Rifle Line
2021年12月29日 · Savage Arms is proud to announce the addition of .17 Winchester Super Magnum (WSM) to its line of A Series rifles. The new A17 WSM Sporter and A17 WSM Target Thumbhole pair the dynamic rimfire cartridge with Savage’s A Series semiautomatic action for exceptional accuracy and fast follow-up shots.
Jard trigger results with A-17 or A22magnum? - Savage Shooters
2023年9月2日 · The Magnum/17 trigger may be similar enuf to the 22s to give corresponding results. He and I had several posts in other threads about this last year. You can find them searching thru the 'A17/A22' topics.
Rumors of demise of of the 17 Mach 2 exaggerated? - Savage …
2024年2月13日 · A big enjoyment for the fun factor of the 17 mach 2. Probably the only thing funner on the backyard range is shooting 22 LRs CCI quiets thru the 10 inch barrel suppressed at steel targets. ,Click---------tink :)
Mark I/II/93R: Bolt Install 93R17 FVSS - savageshooters.com
2010年3月14日 · I bought a brand new 93R17 FVSS a couple of weeks ago. Today I finally found some time for the rifle and had plans of mounting the scope but I can not get the bolt into the rifle.