Welcome to ADRP
ADRP: The Association for Blood Donor Professionals seeks to empower blood donor professionals by providing a forum for creativity, innovation, collaboration, and development as they make blood donation a priority in every community worldwide.
Army Publishing Directorate
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ADRP is dedicated to helping our more than 1,600 members in 11 countries explore approaches to building long-term and lasting relationships with donors, institutional colleagues and peers in the field.
Membership - ADRP
The ADRP Member Directory ("Directory") is compiled and published by the Association of Donor Relations Professionals (ADRP) as a contact and networking source of demographic and professional information on individual members.
U.S. Blood Donation Statistics and Public Messaging Guide - ADRP
America’s Blood Centers (ABC) and ADRP, the Association for Blood Donor Professionals, thank the ADRP Marketing Resource Committee and the ABC Scientific, Medical, and Technical Committee for their support and involvement in developing this resource.
ADRP 7-0 applies to all Army leaders, including Army civilians in leadership positions. ADP 7-0 supports the implementation of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (known as NATO) standardization...
Registration for ADRP 2025 will open in June 2025. - conference.adrp…
Registration for ADRP 2025 will open in June 2025. Stay tuned for more information.
Perilipin-2 - Wikipedia
Adipose differentiation-related protein, also known as perilipin 2, ADRP or adipophilin, is a protein which belongs to the perilipin (PAT) family of cytoplasmic lipid droplet (CLD)–binding proteins. [5] In humans it is encoded by the ADFP gene. [6]
arm64汇编adrp指令作用和使用举例 - CSDN博客
2022年3月11日 · 本文详细介绍了arm64架构中的adrp指令,包括其作用、计算规则和实际应用。 通过实例展示了如何计算目标地址,并在C代码转化为汇编代码的过程中解释了ADRP指令如何配合其他指令实现字符串地址的存储。