Email [email protected] or [email protected] to find out how. Offices: United States of America. 115 S. 8th Street, Suite 102 Opelika, AL 36801 Office: (334) 748-YFLY (9359) Fax: (334) 748-9360. Normal Business Hours: Monday-Thursday 0730 – …
About The Aviation Accreditation Board International - AABI
The Aviation Accreditation Board International (AABI) was created in 1988 at the initiative of 100 colleges and universities with aviation programs who recognized the need to establish standards and submit themselves to the review of their peers and the industry.
Detailed list of AABI Accredited Programs and interactive map
The report of Student Achievement Data MUST include the revision date. To ensure accuracy and accessibility, each institution with AABI accredited programs must provide an Annual Report of Compliance with AABI Criterion 2.2.4 to AABI by December 1 each year (for the preceding academic year). The report MUST include:
What are the Steps to Accreditation? - AABI
AABI PROCESS FOR ACCREDITATION. The following is a listing of the process utilized by the AABI Board to ensure that an institution and its candidate aviation program(s) is/are in compliance with the AABI Criteria and Policies and Procedures. and thereby to base accreditation decisions on the degree to which each candidate program meets the AABI Criteria.
What is accreditation and why is it important in aviation …
Accreditation is the public recognition awarded to colleges, universities and programs that meet established educational standards. Accreditation assures that teaching, student achievement, curricula, academic support and other criteria meet certain levels of excellence and quality.
Frequently asked questions about AABI accreditation
In order for an institution to apply for accreditation for its aviation program(s), it must first be an AABI Educator Member ($1,565.00 USD/year) The second step is to send in the application (AABI Institutional Information Form and AABI Form 202 A,B, and/or G – click here for forms) with the appropriate fees (AABI Form 203). The application ...
Current AABI Meetings and registration information
AABI 2025 Winter Meeting. Hosted by: Click on image below for a full list of 2025 Winter Meeting Sponsor. ↓ Scroll Down↓. f or Agendas, Meeting & Exhibitor Registration, and Sponsorship Information↓ . Dallas, TX, February 11-13, 2025. Conference Hotel:
Become a AABI member, make a difference in tomorrow’s …
Educator Members: (PLEASE NOTE: Not all educator members have AABI accredited programs. * Institutions with AABI accredited programs ** Institutions in Candidate Status for initial accreditation Please see the Directory of Accredited Programs page for a detailed list of member institutions with accredited programs. Alberta College of Aeronautics
by AABI Form 201 (Accreditation Criteria Manual) and AABI Form 204 (Outline for a Self-Study Report). This packet will be mailed to the institution by the AABI central office. 3.3.3 PRE-CANDIDACY APPLICATION If an institution is not immediately eligible for Candidacy, the Chair of the Accreditation Committee refers the application to the Guidance
AABInternational Aviation Accreditation Board International 115 South 8th Street, Suite 102 Opelika, AL 36801 (334) 748-YFLY (9359) • Fax (334) 748-9360 www.aabi.aero Use of LCD projector provided by Southwest Airlines.