AFMR - American Federation for Medical Research
AFMR fosters research in the medical sciences, provides leadership in articulating and publicizing the aims and goals of scientific research, disseminates the knowledge medical research generates, and identifies and supports efforts to achieve these objectives.
AFMR Public: American Federation for Medical Research
Established in 1940, the American Federation for Medical Research (AFMR) is an international multi-disciplinary association of scientists engaged in all areas of biomedical and patient-oriented clinical, translational and laboratory research.
AFMR - Membership
Become An AFMR Member. AFMR is unique — representing a diverse membership that bridges basic and patient-oriented research in multiple medical disciplines. Our members are scientists engaged in original clinical and laboratory medical research.
Accelerating Foundation Models Research - Microsoft Research
Accelerating Foundation Models Research (AFMR) is a new research initiative where we are on a journey, working together with the broader academic research community, to explore different aspects of foundation models to accomplish three goals:
专家述评:功能性二尖瓣反流的治疗策略 - 健康界
2022年6月11日 · ②心房源性:房性fmr(afmr)是指无二尖瓣病变,由于心房扩大和二尖瓣环重塑引起的反流,二尖瓣后叶瓣环随左房扩大向外伸展,牵拉后叶,有效对合面积减少导致反流,此外左房扩张时二尖瓣环平面上移,增加瓣环-乳头肌间距离,瓣叶牵拉向左室腔,从而 ...
三部曲看M-TEER (三)|AFMR的系统认识及其TEER治疗 -- 严道医 …
2023年9月25日 · afmr的主要发病机制:瓣环扩张及房性腱索拴系. 一、afmr的流行病学现状及预后. 笔者最先在国内对afmr的定义和发病机制进行详细描述,并将fmr分为4 类 (4) :
Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair for Atrial Functional Mitral ...
Atrial functional mitral regurgitation (aFMR) has become a topic of growing interest. 1 A large number of studies that sought to explore the unique pathophysiology of aFMR and the challenges associated with its diagnosis and treatment have been published in the past decade. A survey of the published research yields important insights but also ...
Atrial and ventricular functional mitral regurgitation: prevalence ...
AFMR is characterized by left atrial enlargement, while VFMR involves left ventricular enlargement or reduced left ventricular ejection fraction. Dual FMR combines features of both. Clinical outcome was all-cause mortality and heart failure (HF) hospitalization.
AFMR - About Us - American Federation for Medical Research
The AFMR was the leading advocate for the Clinical Research Enhancement Act, legislated by Congress to create Career Development K awards, the NIH Loan Repayment Program, and other funding for clinical investigators.
Atrial functional and ventricular functional mitral regurgitation ...
2024年10月28日 · Severe functional mitral regurgitation (fMR) can be divided into two subgroups: fMR of atrial (AfMR) and fMR of ventricular origin (VfMR). Studies on AfMR are scarce and inconsistent, lacking a uniform definition of AfMR. Hence, little is known about its epidemiology, morphological features, associated risk profiles, and prognostic implications.